Mercedes and Sasha

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4 Months Later

It had been 4 months since their breakup and was a calling for her. A calling that she had to move on. One day they had a relationship and after another day, they had to break up due to the secrets they were hiding from each other.

She sat on a stage box playing with her glasses as she awaited her turn to come out. A slight itch came to her tummy as she scratch it which she didn't mind about. Her chest started to feel like it was burning. Mercedes started running finding a water dispencer luckily she found one in catering.

Mercedes immediately drunk as a sudden tap felt on her shoulder. It was a backstage crew saying, "You're in 2 minutes." She smiled at him and Pamela came towards her as they prepared for a tag team match.

As they awaited backstage for their match, Mercedes started to feel like she wants to vomit. She covered her mouth as her friend saw her. "What's wrong?" Pamela asked comforting her, "I'm fine. I feel like I want to vomit, but it's okay I can still wrestle." She said trying to defend herself.

Pamela's face showed concern a she patted her back. "Are you pregnant?" She asked which shook her, "No, I'm not. What makes you think of that?" She asked slightly irritated at her friend's question. "Remember how I thought that I was pregnant and search on how to know if I was pregnant?" She nodded.

"Well, it showed that when you're pregnant especially when you're about 3 months pregnant, you feel that your tummy itches, heartburn, indigestion, and vomitting." "What?" She stood there aghast.

Before Pamela could respond, a stage crew interrupted their conversation, "You're next."


They showed great teamwork together throwing kicks and punches towards their opponents.

Pamela tagged Mercedes in as Mercedes threw Clothseline towards her opponent then a Dropkick. She went on the top rope. One of her opponent started distracting the referee as she came to a sudden hault. She opened her eyes and she was lying on the canvas.

Her whole sorrounding was turning around as she soon realized that she fell off the top rope. Mercedes tried to stand, but her body gave up as she fell once again.

She slowly opened her eyes once again and she was on a stretcher everything was so blury as she made her eyes completely shut.

Mercedes woke up gasping and realized she was inside a hospital. "Mercedes." Pamela suddenly arrived in her room as they embraced in a hug. "What happened?" Mercedes asked.

"You didn't know?" Mercedes shook her head. "You fell Mercedes, off the top rope and collapse." Pamela added.

Suddenly, the door opened as a doctor came barging in. "Sorry for the interruption Miss Varnado, but I just want to tell you the news."

"It's okay. We're cool". Mercedes smiled. The doctor smiled, "You're a wrestler right? Both of you?" They both nodded. The doctor suddenly sighed, "Well, I'm afraid Miss Varnado, you won't be able to wrestle after a long time, because you are pregnant with a baby girl."

Both Mercedes and Pamela's jaw dropped. "What?! You're kidding right?" Asked Mercedes, but the doctor completely shook his head. "I'm afraid no Miss Varnado." He said. Pamela looked at her stunned at what she just heard.

"Do you know who's the father?" He asked. "I don't know." Mercedes lied.

"What would you name her?" The doctor questioned. "Well, I always loved the name Sasha." She replied. "Well then, you can now go home if you like and you can go to me whenever she's coming out so I could see that beautiful angel." The doctor chuckled and so did both Mercedes and Pamela.


Mercedes stayed inside her hotel room for the past couple of hours. She couldn't beleive it, she's going to become a mother, but her problem was the father. She knew who the father was and had to lie towards the doctor since she moved on from him.

Before she arrived inside her room, she bought some pregnancy test to check if it's true so she grabbed one from her pocket and went inside the comfort room.

After a while, the test rang as she immediately grabbed it and saw it was positive.

Mercedes decided to tell Fergal about this and decided to call but realized that he won't answer her since he was still mad at her.


Mercedes woke up early in the morning and immideiately went to his house. She went inside and noticed nobody was inside and realized that he would always go for a walk so she went out again and looked for him leaving the test and a letter inside the house.

A/N- Thought that it was the end?


This will be the second to the last chapter of this book and it saddened me since this one is my favorite so far and it has to be finish so I could work on the new one. I feel so emotional that they might not be seen together in real life that's why I made two books where they are the ship.

I promise you guys that the last chapter will be longest one.

You will get it if you watched Pitch Perfect

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You will get it if you watched Pitch Perfect.

Speaking about Pitch Perfect, I just realized that the 3rd movie was their last😱😣😭😭

I mean Pitch Perfect was one of my most idolized movie not because of the negativity they kept on saying, but their Music!😣 Including Fat Amy's jokes. I'll surely miss them😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

 I'll surely miss them😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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🎶It's the one thing that I've got🎶

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🎶It's the one thing that I've got🎶

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