Missing You

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5 Months Later

Months after her return and it had not been the best part of her career. She lost too many matches, whilst she never had proper health. She did not eat well and people found it strange since she was one of the best wrestlers in the women's roster and one of the cornerstone of the Women's Revolution.

She stayed in the cafeteria completely staring on here meals not minding the people around here. It had been happening to her for 5 months. She heard a small thud on her table. She looked up and saw here boss with a stern look. He slammed the newspaper where she saw her name before a 'Nearly Fired' phrase.

She looked down as her boss, Vince McMahon, sat opposite to her, "What's going on?"

Mercedes never took a glimpse of him neither she spoke. She was like a person who lost her spirit. Her boss continued, "Is it Mikaze? Is it your parents? Are you injured? Tell me something because we couldn't handle it releasing another superstar especially when it is an amazing suoerstar like you Mercedes."

Her tears started to feel up. "I think I should prepare your contract for your release." Vince finally gave up before she spoke, "I feel empty."

Vince turned his head back towards her confused of what she said. "What?"

"I feel empty like I am missing something, but I don't know why. 5 months ago I have finally decided to come back here because I thought that this would make me feel happy again, but it didn't." She explained. Her boss nodded and said in his usual rough toned voice, "Are you sure you can't figure it out because sometimes we look too much and won't realise that it is just beside you?"

"Is it a guy you have been missing?" Vince's daughter, Stephanie McMahon suddenly appeared. "What makes you think of that?" Mercedes questioned as she tilted her head in confusion. "You are feeling weak and lost your power to do what you always do best. You are missing someone Mercedes. Trust me, I have been in that position once before when Paul and I were still dating." Stephanie said as Mercedes finally deduce the situation why this is happening to her whilst she knew the person who she had been missing.

"Fergal." She said. "Fergal? Is that the guy you have been missing?" The McMahons said in unison. "Yes!" She said happily. "Then, you should go back to him." Stephanie said but Mercedes sadly answered back, "But I promise to get back here and now I'm leaving again."

"That won't matter right now. What matter is you getting better now where does he live?" Vince asked. "He lives in New York." She explained.

"Love surely finds a way because the next live event is happening on New York so you should start packing so that you come with us because we are going there early for a partnership in this company." Vince said. Mercedes was ecstatic as she hugged them both and left to prepare her clothings.

Meanwhile, the McMahons watched Mercedes' figure blend in to the crowd, Stephanie said, "For a woman like her, she surely has the heart to move on especially having a divorce from Sarath." Her father chuckled as he said, "That's why she is strong not only in wrestling, but also in her heart because she is willing to adopt on how harsh life can be."

Questioned why I was able to update today?😈 Because there is no clas in our school!

Hahaha so, I am still asking you guys if you either say yes if I will publish a new book called, Shálor Facts. I won't mind if you guys would say no. Just an advice if ya'll are interested.😘

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