Unexpected Meeting

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Mercedes passed out weakened after the beat down. It was not the way she was expecting at all.

There she woke up on a bed so comfortable that she didn't dare to wake up since she was so weak. Even though she was already awake she closed her eyes and relax. Suddenly, she heard foot steps which snapped her back to reality.

She thought it was the guy who tried to rape her so she pretended to move while sleeping and covered her whole body. She checked on her clothes in case they weren't remove. Luckily, they were yet she's still wearing her dress.

Her blanket was yanked by someone. Someone who she can't find out who it is since its face was so bright from the sun's rays. The person covered the curtains and she was shocked. It wasn't Mikaze neither did it was her friends. It was someone who she missed so much, yet she was told to forget about him.

"Fergal." She muttered in awe as Fergal released a small smile. Her tears were dripping down at his figure which she missed so much. It had been 5 years since she last saw his handsome face. Only this time, he was much more handsome than before.

"Why are you crying?" He tilted his head in confusion before Mercedes hardly slapped him. He fell on the floor as Mercedes went on top of him and continued slapping him.

"This is for hurting me!" She hit him with a slap, "This is for breaking my heart!" She hit him with another one, "And this is for leaving me!" She hit him once again only this time, it harder. "Ow! Stop it! I didn't mean to hurt you!" He yelled covering himself from Mercedes' slap.

Fergal used his strength and slammed her on the bed. He backed up only to be kicked hard on the crotch. He fell once again.

Mercedes once again continued with beat down and rapidly hit him with a pillow. He was defenseless, but he thought that he deserve it. "Stop it please!" He pleaded but it didn't stop her. Fergal figured out one way and that is by pressing her bruised ribs from the punches that she recieved earlier.

She screamed out in agony as Fergal immediately went towards her apologizing, "I'm so sorry". She barely opened her dress and saw a large bruise on ribs. Fergal saw it, "I'm so sorry about that. I'm gonna get you some ice." He left to the kitchen as Mercedes immediately ran towards the door.

She heard Fergal saying, "Mercedes where are you going?" She yelled, "Leaving you! You psychopath!" She ran towards the park and turned her head to see Fergal sprinting faster than her. She tried to run faster, but Fergal was much more faster than her . She was caught in an embrace, "I'm sorry for everything that I did to you." He said as Mercedes tried to shake him off .

She was yelling, "Help! Anyone!" Fergal grabbed her shoulders, "Stop it your making me look like I'm kidnapping you." She immediately replied, "That's because you are".

She tried to yell once again only to be covered on her mouth by his hands. She stood right in front of him as her brown eyes made contact with his own light blue eyes. "Please, let me talk to you. It hurts me more than it hurt you. Please, just this once." He pleaded as Mercedes his eyes showing concern.

She didn't say anything but to stare at him. She thought to herself, Wow he looks way more handsome than before.

"Please." He said once again. She slowly nodded as Fergal showed a smile.

They went back as Mercedes took a view on the house. She never noticed on how beautiful the house was. Fergal closed the door and immediately went to the kitchen and grabbed the ice pack that was supposed to be given to her earlier.

She gladly accepted it as they went towards the backyard and sat on a balcony. "What is it that you want to talk about?" She questioned before sitting down on a chair. "I want to say something important to you." Fergal sat on his own chair. "Then what is it?" She asked once again.

He sighed and said, "All I want to say is the I'm sorry for hurting and leaving you. I should have told..." Mercedes interrupted him, "5 years. 5 years of waiting Fergal. 5 years of not believing of Allen telling me to forget about you. 5 years of being hurt and broken. Fergal, I would forgive, but I can't. I have been hurt for half a decade and still..." Fergal interrupted her, "I was hurt too you know".

She stopped dead and saw Fergal eyes showing hurt as his tears were dripping down. "I was hurt too. You were the only person that cared about me. Sure, we never dated, but I can't get over the fact that I'm scared of hurting you." He said wiping his tears.

He saw Mercedes getting emotional too before her tears started falling, "But you have already hurt me."

She showed him her scar and said, "See this? This is the only thing that reminds me of you and you know what it represents to me? It represents that you hurt me both physical and emotional. I was the only one who accepted you not as a friend, but much more. I fell in love with you yet all you did was burning me alive and leaving me broken." She covered her eyes by her fingers.

Fergal looked down defeated. She stood up and said, "You know what? I might as well leave and forget all about this nonsense because it is hurting me badly. I'm done being hurt. I will get myself killed since no one is willing to love me." She turned around and started to leave before she heard 5 words that made her stop on her tracks.

"I'm willing to love you."

She turned her head and revealed tears flowing down her face and saw Fergal looked up staring at her.

He stood up and slowly held her cheeks. She stopped him by holding on to his wrists. She stared at him before he smashed his lips on hers.

Butterflies erupted from her stomach as their lips went in sync with each other. He gently bit her lips as a subtle  moan escape from her lips. He chuckled at her expression as they continued with their make out session.

He broke the kiss and put his hands on her waist before saying, "Will you be my girlfriend?" She smiled and replied, "Yes." He chuckled and hugged her tight as Mercedes hugged him back.

A/N- Woah!😮 Not expecting this to happen but this is the longest chapter I have ever written in all of my books. It has 1,130 words not including the Author's note.

I actually got a little emotional making this chapter😅.

Please subscribe me on my youtube channel as you can see the video I actually made it as a tribute for Paige. Go check out my other videos and please like them. Comment if it is you who will be commenting so that I will know😁

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