5 Years Later

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5 Years Later

Mercedes stood there in the halls waiting for Mikaze before attending a party. She found it ironic since Mikaze was the last person she wants to deal with and  now, 5 years later she is sharing rooms with him.

They arrived with her friends and Mikaze's own and it was wild. She thought not to dance so she went to a counter and took few shots. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours yet she didn't noticed it. She was quite drunk and never took her steps on the dance floor.

They talked about how life was before one of her friend nudged her, "Hey, I'm sorry but take a look". Her friend pointed out and saw Mikaze making out with another girl. Her heart broke once again and regret was taking over. Regret of going back to him. She hid her feelings and let out an unamused laugh before saying, "Forget about him, because I came here to relax and celebrate!"

Her friends cheered so did she and continued with the party. They went to the dance floor and started dancing wild. She turned her head and saw Mikaze once again making out with the woman before leaving the party with an intertwined hands. She suckered all of her anger and left.

"Where are you going Mercedes?" One of her friends questioned. She left them without an answer. Her friends tried to catch up but she sprinted away from them. She wanted to be alone, she wanted to cry.

Mercedes went to a park wiping off her tears and sat on a bench staring at the beautiful full moon. She turned her head and saw a couple, happily lied down on the grass also watching at the mesmerizing beauty of the moon and the stars. She was jealous of them since they were all happy while she is here having problems with her love life.

She shivered down on the cold breeze the night delivered towards her dress. She tried covering her body with her arms and tried rubbing her arms to warm herself that's when she noticed something on her arm.

It was something bulging yet it was different. She looked at it and saw the scar she had when she tried to help Fergal. It was a mistake for her to make that move since she was told by him to forget about him after they had that incident. She flushed down memory lane and remembered everything about Fergal. His handsome face, his abs, his smile and especially his beautiful light blue eyes.

She felt something went on her scar and it was her tears, falling down towards her scar. She reminded herself that she will forever be broken and will never be loved again.

Mercedes decided to go back to the hotel she shared with Mikaze, pack her bags and leave towards her own hotel room. It was nearly 12:00 am so the streets of New York was quite empty except for the few cars passing by.

She saw something running down across the street silently. It was a shadow so she can't figure it out. Maybe she was just seeing things since she is quite sleepy.

She look behind and saw a man following her. She paid no attention to him so she started picking up her pace. She looked behind her and saw the man still following her.

She started sprinting so did the man. She was panicking and took out her phone to call the police but accidetally drop it from her grip. She went back but the man stood before her showing an evil smirk.

"What do you want?" She questioned, terrified. He let out a chuckle and taunted her, "Give me your money." She tried to ran away but her hair was caught. She was roughly pulled as the man whispered, "Give it or I'll kill you. Unless you want to have some fun." He seductively chuckled before Mercedes wrestled him, slamming him on the ground but he countered it.

He grabbed her hands and pinned her on the wall. She cried out for help but her mouth was covered, "You want to have some fun eh?" He started kissing her lips. She fought back and bit his lips hard and kicked him right across the crotch.

She looked at him and saw his mouth bleeding. "Oh, you want to play it rough now?" He questioned before rapidly punched her right on her ribs and her face. She fell down clutching her ribs, catching her breath. She was passing out before a hooded man came to rescue her.

He grabbed the man and slammed his head on the wall. He continued with a relentless assault and threw him once again to the wall leaving the man out cold.

She tried to take a good look on her savior but she couldn't. She was weakened and passed out.

A/N- So I'll keep on continuing this book since it is already 3/4 away from ending. After I finish this book, I will go on and finnish my other book so that I could started with a new one.

So my new book is an inspiration from a Philippine series called "Precious Hearts Romances". I'll give you the plot of the story.

So it is about 5 men living together and had problems with their love life so that's when each of them will find their own woman but it took them lots of twists to find the one.

Heres the book cover:

I still haven't put the title😅

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I still haven't put the title😅

So guys! Tell me if you agree with it so maybe it will inspire me to publish it early. Okay by Love You All!😙

P.S~ Belive it or not, but this chapter has exactly 1 thousand words including this things that I am saying right. If you do not believe it, then go ahead, count it all so it will prove that it is all 1k. ✌

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