Vampires and Demon

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Mercedes woke up lying on bed in a room that isn't her own.

"What a nightmare" She remembered what have happened to her either it was a dream or for real.

One thing that she needs to worry about is to know how the hell she woke up in here.

Suddenly the door opened and revealed two people. The first one was a man who has a long hair while the other was a woman who has blonde hair.

They were taller than her which means she will have no chance against them if she would attack them.

A figure suddenly stood behind them and it was the Demon. Her eyes widen seeing his long hair, red eyes, sharp teeths, and rough body.

Mercedes started to get pale as she moved backwards from her position as she continued to look on.

"We mean no harm. This isn't kidnapping, it is more like babysitting" The tall guy explained. "And that's how you take care of me? By kidnapping me?" Mercedes asked furiously making him flinched.

"You know you don't wanna get our teeth get into your neck would you?" The woman said. Mercedes then realised that the two people in front of her were Vampires.

"I'm Allen and this is Ashley" He said as he and Ashley stretched out their hands to shake her own.

She slowly reached out her hands making sure if anything goes wrong.

They soon shook each other's hands as both Ashley and Allen's teeth disappeared, but that didn't made Mercedes' fear fade away. She was too scared seeing the Demon's figure as Ashley noticed it.

The Vampire woman nudged the Demon's arm signaling him to do something.

Soon, he rolled his eyes and changed form.

His long hair grew shorter, his eyes changed from red to light blue and his body changed and his figure turned into a man. He was sweating really hard due to the room's temperature.

Mercedes' fear changed into satisfaction as she stared unto his sweat dripping down his abs

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Mercedes' fear changed into satisfaction as she stared unto his sweat dripping down his abs. She has nothing else to do but stare at him up and down and blush.

Oh my gosh! Why the hell is he so hot?!

He aggressively reached out his hand to shake making it seem like he was forced to do it. "Fergal Devitt" He said as Mercedes snapped back to reality.

"Mercedes" She said as her brown eyes locked unto Fergal's light blue eyes.

2 seconds have past as it seemed like hours for Mercedes. Fergal broke the shake and left the room shutting the door hard behind him.

"What's his problem?" Mercedes asked in confusion as Allen and Ashley sighed deeply.

"He is having anger issues" Allen.

"Why is that?"

"That we won't tell you" Ashley explained as Mercedes huffed.

Mercedes then realized that she was still kidnapped and thought of a plan of escaping.

"So, can I go home?" She asked looking like an idiot to both of them.

That's your plan Mercedes? Come on, you know you can do better than that. She said talking to her mind.

"No we can't we were told by someone to dk this. And before you ask anything, we will not tell you who did it" Ashley said as Mercedes flinched.

"You better go back to sleep because it is still 12 am in the morning" Allen said while giving Mercedes her bags.

Ashley and Allen left the room as Mercedes immediately locked the door. She laid herself on the bed "Please tell I'm waking up tomorrow in my real room" She mumbled as she went back to sleep.

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