Forget About Me

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Mercedes grabbed him as she screamed in agony as she got burned by his fire. She hugged him as her entire body was on fire. She was burned, but she was desperate. Desperate to change him just like what Fergal said.

Allen and Ashley suddenly came rushing, putting out the fire, but it was no use. Mercedes was burned and she screamed out in agony as her body was heavily burned by Fergal. "Fergal, please." It was the only word she said as she cried out again in pain. Fergal heard her as he noticed her in pain.

He stopped and both collapse on the floor.

Ashley called the ambulance. Soon, they arrived and immediately took Mercedes. She was badly wounded. Fergal on the other hand, was weakened and never moved since burning her.

Mercedes woke up blinking her eyes and saw a figure staring at her. She smiled at the thought that it was Fergal. Instead, it was Mikaze smiling at her.

"You are awake." He said helping sat up. "Where is Fergal?" She questioned. "Who?" Mikaze was confused, but she didn't paid attention to him instead, she gave him an eye roll. "I'm gonna buy some foods for you." He left before minutes passed as Ashley, Allen and Fergal went in.

"Mercedes are you okay?" Questioned Ashley as she hugged her so did Allen. She hugged back but paid no attention to them she was lost at the moment staring at him. Both of Allen and Ashley noticed it, "We'll leave you both alone." They left them alone.

It was awkwards since they never spoke to each from the time passed after Allen and Ashley left. She sighed at him who was sitting right in front of her who whilst didn't paid attention to her. He stood up and tried to leave as he turned the door knob, "I think we need to talk." She said as she helplessly stood.

"No, we need to.." She interrupeted him. He flinched for a while before closing the door giving her a menacing look. "You want to talk?" He angry at this moment but Mercedes was calm at the moment whilst she never to her gaze off him. Those beautiful eyes of him she couldn't resist.

"What did I ever do to you?" She questioned with a worried look on her face. Fergal turned his head and turned towards the door before, "Fergal, please."

Her tears were falling out. "If you think that I was falling again for Mikaze then you're wrong Fergal. I will never love him back. It was months ago that we got divorced and I thought to myself that I would never be loved again. Then I saw a man who was different from any other man and it was you Fergal, you Fergal Devitt. The reason why I hugged back Mikaze because I felt broken, I needed someone to comfort me, but I will never love him him back because I'm in love of you Fergal." Mercedes' tears were falling and hugged Fergal behind his back.

"Oh yeah,You love me? Well, so did I." This time his tears were dripping. He pushed her and opened the door before turning around as Mercedes saw his face showed hurt and sadness.

It was his last words that hurt her so much that it emotionally broke her, "Forget about me." He shut the door hard leaving Mercedes sobbing on her knees. The doors opened with Allen and Ashley went in. "What happened?" Allen questioned to Mercedes who cried out all of her emotions. She was broken. Regret was the only thing she felt. Regret of loving someone again. "He told me to forget about me." She cried hard and was cuddled and comforted by Ashley.

Allen went out chasing Fergal. He looked around until he found him on a beach staring at the waves. He sat there frozen but tears were the only thing moving. "Fergal, why did you do this to her?" Allen asked, but Fergal was quiet and didn't spoke.

"Fergal answer me!" He yelled before Fergal punched him right on his face. They brawled throwing punches at each other. Fergal was on top of him throwing relentless assault on Allen who was defenseless. His punches were getting harder until he suckered all his energy preparing for his strongest punch until Allen said, "Is this what Mercedes would have wanted?"

He stopped and took a glimpse of Allen. He throwed his punch but didn't hit Allen. Instead, he hit the sand. Allen was aghast and stared at his fist before turning his head to see his face full of sadness as he cried.

Fergal sat down covering his face. He couldn't handle what he was feeling until Allen comforted him. "It's okay. Don't worry you will soon move on." He patted his back before Fergal talked back, "But, I don't want to move on. It hurts me a lot."

"Then go back to her." He said.

"I can't." He said before continuing, "I just can't do it. It pains me to move, yet it hurts a lot more if I go back."

"Then do what's best for the both of you." Allen patted him once again in his Southern accent. "I better just leave her alone, that way she won't be hurt again." He said in a low toned voice.

"Fergal forget about the past, focused on the future, that way you will know why you are feeling this way." Allen said.

Fergal smiled, "I guess I'll move on."

A/n. If you think this chapter is either short or long but for me, this is the longest chapter I have ever wrote in this book. So try and guess what will happen next by commenting😊

Sorry for the cringey parts and mispellings😉

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