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Fergal arrived at his house and felt someone was here. He slowly opened the door and it was desserted like always. He walked around the house and noticed a pregnancy test on a table and a letter beside it. He anxiously opened the letter:

Dear Fergal,

I don't know if you are still mad at me after we broke up, but I'm willing to put back our relationship the way it was. I love you Fergal from the bottom of my heart. I was wrong for hiding my dark past from you. You can see a pregnancy test beside this letter and as you can see, it's mine. I'm pregnant and I knew who the father would be and that would be you. I hope you can forgive me.



I will always forgive you." He muttered grabbing the test and stuffed it inside his pocket along with a box. He decided to go and look for her to fix their relationship and that's when a sudden explosion happen.

Fergal was thrown away and slammed unto a wall. Dust was all over his body as his head started to bleed. A figure stood before him. A tall woman wearing a cloak. "Do you happen to know where is Bálor?" She questioned in a voice which toned evil.

"Who are you?" Fergal asked clutching his left arm. "I'm Carman The Sorceress. I was told by this human to kill Bálor for betraying all of his by falling in love with a human. Do you mind telling me where is he?" She said.

Fergal didn't answer but stood in front of her. "Tell me!" She yelled and using her powers, she choked Fergal up in the air. Fergal tried to breath and slowly said, "I'm....Bálor."

Carman dropped him and laughed evilly, "You? A pitiful human being happens to be The Demon King, Bálor?"

Fergal cluthed his neck gasping for air. "Well I did heard that Bálor was hiding inside a human's body. So if you are really Bálor then show me what you got!" She yelled and in a speed of light, a blue awra came to Fergal and stab him right on his ribs.

Fergal screamed out in pain as Carma held him up once again with her powers and choked him, "So this is how it's going to end huh? Ireland's most powerful Demon ever existed falls in the hands of a Sorceress." She evilly laughed and choked him a lot more.

Soon, Fergal started changing his form and fire swirled around him. His  hair grew taller, his body grew bigger, and his eyes turned fiery red. A fire explosion came out as Carman stood before Bálor.

He remained closing his eyes as Carman showed an evil smirk, "Look who it is. The Demon King, Bálor." A spear  formed into her grasp as she ran towards him. Bálor opened his eyes and caused a massive explosion destroying the house and burned the neighborhood. Carman was slammed unto a brick wall her bleeding which she only licked.

Her eyes suddenly bulged seeing Bálor ran towards her and punched her hard throwing her towards houses. She came back and hit him with a spear. Bálor defended himself and caught her spear as they grabbed the spear from each other.

Bálor was stronger than her as he came on top her and tried to choke her with the handle of the spear only for Carman to chuckle, "Look at you, fighting for the one he loves and betrayed his kind. You are a disgrace Bálor. Do you think the woman you love will come back to you? From what I've heard, you two broke up and now who is the idiot around here?" Her statement weakened him as he knew that all of her sayings were all true.

Carman capitalized kicked him in the mid section as he was slammed on the ground and came back to his human self. Fergal was weakened and started to pass out, but tried fight but he can't. He soon passed out.

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