Talking with Fergal

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"You're free to go" Ashley said knowing that Mercedes would be filled with happiness to this news, but it wasn't for Mercedes. Of course she wants to leave but she was starting feel comfortable with them.

After what Fergal did to her, it sparked an idea for her to go back in wrestling but it makes her regret calling her boss.

If she would go back to work, she might not see them anymore since they would always go from cities to cities.

"I think I will stay here for a while." Mercedes answered which made Ashley feel delighted.

Mercedes chose to stay because since her boss told her that she would call him if she was ready for a comeback, but for now she would be taking a break.

"But I would only stay here less than a week" She added.

Time Passed

Mercedes was staying inside her room for the time had passed until she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." She said politely and as soon as the door opened, Fergal came in which made her aghast.

"What do you want." Mercedes tried to feel confident with her threatening voice but it was no use. It only made her terrified seeing his intimidating light blue eyes yet she couldn't resist his handsome face.

"I don't want to harm you or anything. I just want to talk to you" Fergal said calmly before Mercedes talked back "Oh really? The last time we had encountered ourselves, you were trying to kill me."

Fergal flinched and started to feel infuriated as his veins were popping out, but he soon took a deep breath and continued "I just want to say sorry-" but Mercedes cut him off "Sorry?! Wow really? After nearly killing me, all you are doing is apologizing?".

They locked into each other's eyes and there was something in Fergal that Mercedes couldn't understand. Everytime they would see each other, there would be something twitching inside of her.

"I'm sorry" He apologized and Mercedes knew that she got him cornered "Oh really?" Fergal flinched and took a small step backward.

"What else do you want from me?" He was boiling with anger, but he knew what would happen if he would try to kill her.


Judith couldn't stop her tears falling down her face as Allen and Fergal were walking alongside her as she was heading back to Massachusetts.

"So, your girlfriend is watching over  her?" Judith questioned Allen referring to Ashley.

Allen nodded as the Bostonian mother wiped her tears. Judith took a few steps on the bus' stairs and reminded Fergal, "Fergal please don't let your anger get in the way. Next time please don't try killing my daughter. She is one of my most valuable possession".

Fergal nodded as the door of the bus closed and left both Allen and Fergal standing at their positions.

End of Flashback

"Will you please accept my apology?" Fergal asked in a kind manner, but that didn't stop Mercedes from teasing him.

"You're not showing it."

"Then what can I do to make it up to you?" Fergal's question made Mercedes giving him a smirk.

"I don't know you show me." Still Mercedes showing a smirky attitude.

Fergal rolled his eyes and suddenly pinned her arms on the made as his body hovering over her. "What are you doing?" Mercedes asked but Fergal suddenly smashed his lips unto hers.

Mercedes' whole stomach exploded with butterflies as she felt his lips touching hers making it passionate. She would never thought of this would ever happen to her.

Fergal broke the kiss, stood up and asked, "Apology accepted?".

"Apology Accepted." Mercedes said starstrucked after what just happened as Fergal left her with a wink.

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