Cheated For Life

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It was a rainy night as Mercedes went back to the hotel room that both Mikaze and her shared. She swiftly grabbed all of her clothes and stuffed them all unto her bags. Without further noticed, Mikaze was standing at the door curious of all the clothes flying around.

"What are you doing?" He goofily questioned which caused her to turn her body, shocked at his appearance. "Was it something I did?" He questioned again. Without hesitation, anger burst out of her as she went close to him and gave a hard slap on his face which nearly broke his head off.

"Babe, what is wrong with you?" He yelled rubbing his cheeks which immediately turned red. "Babe?! What is wrong with you Mikaze? 5 years I went back to you to start another life just for you to go with another girl?"

"I-I can explain." He slightly stuttered as he recieved another cold slap. "Oh you can explain on how you were able to cheat on me."

"It is not what it looks like.."  Once again he was slap. "It is not what it looks like? Wow, I'm so done with you right now. I'm tired of all of your excuses."

She grabbed her bags, but was snatched from her. "Give it to me!" She yelled. "Why? So, you could to that Fergal guy?". 

She was aghast and took a stepped backward. "That's right" He gave her an evil smirk.

"How did you know his name?" She questioned. "Oh you think you can hide everything from me Mercedes? Well, tough luck I know everything on what was happening to you since we got divorce." His face turned darker as he continued, "Ever wondered why I was able to know where were you after we got divorced? Well, it was all because of you. You never told your mom about your divorce, so I was the brave one to tell. I told her everything about our divorce except the reason why we split. I suggested to kidnapped you by two vampires and a demon. By the time I knew your mother free you, I immeditaley went after. As the time we saw each other, I knew that you were in love with that disgusting little Irish demon by the look on your face. I saw him looked at us, so I did what I always do best and that is to make someone jealous."

Mercedes was boiling in anger as she tackled him down throwing relentless punches. She grabbed a mirror and slammed it on his head. Blood was dripping down his face. She continued with the beat down, but Mikaze did not fought back.

She started choking him and that's when he reached his boiling point. He started carrying her and slammed her on the carpet. She immediately reacted as soon as the floor made contact with her lower section.

She kicked his legs as he fell on one knee as her knee made contact with his face.

Mikaze slowly stood up before saying, "You're a whore."

Mercedes stepped back as Mikaze started yelling, "You're a whore!" She was terrified at his figure as he showed a smile and said, "That's right leave and go to that bastard that you love so much. One day you will be once again put back on the shelf by Fergal just like what I did to you 5 years ago." He evilly laughed as Mercedes' emotions took over her. She started crying and said, "No he won't."

"Face it Mercedes, for the pass years before you dated me, you were dumped by many men and that is what Fergal is going to do to you. He is gonna leave you drowning at the deppest trench in world with nothing but pain and regret. You're a whore Mercedes, you always had and you will always be." He laughed once again as Mercedes ran away covering her mouth crying on what Mikaze told her.

She soon arrived at Fergal's doorsteps soaked with the heavy rainfall and rang the doorbell. Within seconds, Fergal opened the door revealing Mercedes soaked and tears flown out.

Before he spoke, Mercedes held his neck pressed her lips against his. It turned all of her emotions upside down as she closed her eyes to release all of the depression she had been dealing with.

They stopped and looked into each other's eyes. There he could see pain by the look in her eyes. He was guilty, yet he never knew what he did. "What's wrong?" He questioned worriedly at the fact that she was all messy.

"Nothing." She let a chuckle pass through her lips as she knew that Fergal knew something was wrong which he took seriously. "Mercedes, tell me, please." He said with calm yet serious toned voice.

She sighed thinking of all the negative things happening to her which caused her to fell on one knee as her tears started falling down. A worried Fergal kneeled before her rubbing her back before he embraced her and tild soothing words. "Release all of that negative flow on your body." He said as he didn't broke the cuddle as Mercedes continued sobbing.

Time passed by as they were both soaked at the heavy rainfall which rapidly dropped unto their bodies which neither of them paid attention.

Mercedes took a deep breath before Fergal questioned her, "Tell me, what's wrong." He said, but this time she didn't hesitate to answer, "I'm just so tired of how my life is working. I can't help it but all I could think of is ending my life. I feel so sorry for putting you into this mess, but I can't, I just can't do this without you."

She looked down watching the rain drops colliding with the ground. He held her cheeks up as she saw him staring at her with a genuine smile passed his lips as the rain dripped down his face and so did she. He put her hair behind her ears before saying, "I'm always with you until the end of time."

She smiled before they embraced once again into a hug. "Let's go back to the house then you can go back to your hotel to get your things. "I already have them in my car." She said.

He smile for a bit before realizing they were all wet from the rain. "They ran towards the car, grabbed her belongings and went back to the house.

Mercedes went to the comfort room as soon as she left her bags on a couch. She changed into her night dress as she sat on a sink to checked on her lower back and shocked her seeing a large bruise. It pained her watching her body banged up. She slowly touched and as soon as her fingers made contact with her bruise, direct agony came to her.

She screamed and immediately covered her mouth in case of Fergal barging in seeing her like this. Her tears started filling as the door suddenly opened. She wiped her tears and saw Fergal curiously opened the door.

A/N- New Record Bitches! Hahaha just kidding so i wasn't paying attention on how many words i made so it accidentally reached 1.2k 😂 it was am irresponsible act i made but, anyways this will be continued immediately as soon as i will hae the ass to start moving😂

This book needs to end before April 30 that way I won't have to struggle updating

UPDATE!- So this update is about my new book, Precious Hearts Romances. So remember i told you guys that i was planning for a shalor facts book. I came up with an idea on why not add these facts on to my book. But it wont be all about them it is mostly about the characters that are in the story.

Thats all PEace Out

Thats all PEace Out

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