The Demon Bálor

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"Oh, no." Ashley said as Allen, Fergal and Mercedes shook their heads in confusion. "What is it?" They questioned together in unison.

"We have run out of oil." Said Ashley who made the others role their eyes annoyingly. "Seriously? That is your problem?" Asked Fergal as Ashley gave him an eye roll.

"If you think it would be an easy job going to the grocery store which is literally 5 blocks away from here and go walking at 7 in the afternoon then be my guess."

Before Fergal could even speak, Mercedes interrupted him, "I could go with you if you would love to Fergal."

"I think I should go alone." He suggested trying to get himself in a polite. Mercedes huffed at her so called friend.

"Then you can go now." Allen said which made Fergal tilt his head in confusion. "Why me?" He asked looking like an idiot in Allen's opinion. "You said it yourself. You would like to go alone and it means you are going." Allen said knowing that he got Fergal cornered.

"Whatever" He said as Allen added, "Go with him Mercedes."

Mercedes and Fergal walked together at the sidewalk headung towards the grocery store.

Time passed

They were heading back to the house as Fergal was carrying the galloon of oil. "I told you that I should have come alone. You have nothing else to do but follow me." He said with a lot of swagger.

Mercedes huffs thinking why she had a friend like him. Who is always thinking about himself and not about the people with him. She still couldn't understand the fact that whenever she is talking with him, there would be something within her that she couldn't understand like a butterfly erupting from her stomach.

Suddenly, a man grabbed her by the arm and position herself from a knife pointing its sharp tip towards her neck as they stood before Fergal.

"Leave her alone!" Fergal yelled as he was trying get to her but two men suddenly came beating him down. "Don't hurt him!" Yelled Mercedes but it was no use.

Her tears were dripping down her cheeks seeing her friend being punched right across his face.

Mercedes stepped on the foot as she was release and immediately kicked the side of his face. The robber was knocked out. She started punching the other two guys but they were bigger than her so it was easy for them to carry her.

"Aww, does little missy here cares for her weak boyfriend?" They asked making fun of them.

"" Fergal said weakly trying to get up. "I'm sorry what is that?" They asked making fun of Fergal.

Mercedes soon noticed that Fergal was changing form and his veins were popping out of him. "I...said...leave US ALONE!!" Fergal changed form and turned into the demon she once saw.

The demon named Bálor grabbed them by their shirt making them look into his eyes and soon turned pale. They screamed in agony as they turned into stone.

Mercedes stared at him mesmerized at what just happened. She soon realized that he wasn't changing back to his regular form. "Fergal come on we got to go." She nudged him.

Bálor turned his making him stare into her brown colored eyes. She flinched and obviously got scared. Bálor turned his head back to the guy who once tried to kill Mercedes and tried to kill him.

Mercedes grabbed him by the arm making him look back at her as Mercedes kissed him passionately.

Bálor chanhed back into a weak Fergal collapsing into Mercedes' arms.

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