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"Did he just kissed me?" Mercedes asked for the seventh time to Ashley who was shocked yet annoyed of her.

"That is what you just said."

Ashley was still shocked of what happened. She didn't even knew that Fergal would do such a thing. All she knew is that he had a mysterious past, but never knew that he would be a passionate kisser.

It is somehow ironic for her. The most terrifying person would actually be the best kisser. At least that is what Mercedes told her.

"You liked it don't you?" Ashley asked wiggling her eyebrow making Mercedes fluster. "I do not." She talked back but it didn't buy her.

"Just admit it Mercedes. We knew that you're attracted to him by the fact that you always look like you are nelting whenever you're around him."  Explained Ashley who smirked.

"Okay fine. I do find him attractive, but I'm scared." Mercedes sighed with sadness growing unto her.

"Scared of being killed by him?" Ashley questioned sarcastically making Mercedes roll her eyes.

"Not that."

"Then what? Scared of being?" Ashley question getting annoyed by the fact that she couldn't get to the point.

"Loved" Mercedes said in a low toned manner. Ashley was aghast immediately before questioning, "Why is that?".

Mercedes tried not to let her emotion get in the way but she couldn't. Her tears started to drip down her cheeks.

She took a deep breath, "I actually got married before, but I just got divorced  few days ago. It literally broke my heart and couldn't think of anything else to do, but to leave and go back to Boston."

Mercedes' tears flown from her eyes to her cheeks as she continued her story "I thought that it would be for the best to be helped by my family, but didn't help at all. Bad became the worst and my mother was responsible for the kidnapped."

Ashley comforted her by caressing her back with her hands as Mercedes' emotional side took over and sobbed.

"One word I never do it again and that is being loved because it ruined my career and especially my life."

Ashley hugged her and said "To be honest Mercedes, I may not know Fergal a lot but something within me is telling me that the both of you are meant to be with each other. He may have his angry demon side of him, but I think you are the woman who could change his life forever."

"Why is that?" Asked Mercedes.

"It is because you are a strong woman Mercedes. How did you think that you have been still living today after having a major breakdown. Most girls would commit suicide, but you didn't Mercedes. You stood up and fought for everything you had left and you have shown perseverance by starting a new chapter in life by starting all over again." Ashley's encouraging words helped Mercedes smile back.

"I think I am."

They hugged once more and left the room only to be met by Fergal. They both stare across each other making her beautiful brown meet hus light blue ones.

"I guess I'll be leaving both of you here alone."

Soon, Ashley left without both Fergal and Mercedes noticing it as they continued look into each other.

"Uh, He-hey Mercedes" Fergal stuttered as Mercedes chuckled. Fergal was actually shy of Mercedes after what he did to her by nearly killing her to passionately kissed her.

"I guess I'll be heading to my room." He added only to be held in the arms by her. He turned his head only to be met by a warm hug.

He hugged back as her head laid on his board chest.

Mercedes did not really took the advice from Ashley when she said that they were meant for each other. She still regrets being loved. In fact she only wants to love him as a friend and nothing less and nothing more.

"Can we forget about the kiss and be friends?" She suggested as Fergal completely nodded.

They broke the hug and stood before each other as she offered her hands "Friends?".

He answered "Friends" they shook hands and hugged once again.

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