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"Fergal, wake up!" Mercedes yelled shaking Fergal but it was no use. He was pretty damaged after the beatdown.

Blood was dripping down his head showing the cut above his head, he had a black eye on his right eye and a large bruce on his cheeks.

Allen and Ashley soon arrived, "What happened?" Questioned Allen as Ashley grabbed a cloth from her pocket and wiped it across his face.

Time passed

They arrived at the house as Fergal was immediately laid upon his bedroom bed. Allen and Ashley went out to grab medicine as Mercedes continues to wipe off all of his dirt with a wet towel.

"Here you should do it." Ashley gave her a medicine for healing wounds. Allen gave her a cotton ball for putting the medicine.

She put the liquid on the cotton ball and wipe his face deliberately.

Ferhal immediately growled and woke up screaming and writhe in agony. Allen helped Mercedes out by making Fergal steady himself.

"Will you quit it!" Yelled Fergal, but neither of the listened nor did Ashley who was alarmed of what was happening. She couldn't do anything, because she does not want to encounter the wrath of the Demon, Bálor.

"Fergal calm down, we are only here to help." Allen said, trying to make Fergal repose.

Fergal did not listen to any of them. He kept on growling and writhing everytime the medicine connects eith his skin, but that didn't stop Mercedes from healing him.

She was determine to help him for literally saving her moments ago.

"Fergal! If you will not let us heal you, then I couldn't even imagine ourselves leaving you out there alone!" Fergal locked his eyes with hers. His light blue eyes staring down to her brown ones as he saw determination inside of her.

It was his first time seeing her like this. This was her strict side.

"I just want to be alone."

"Just let us help you." She exclaimed showing off her determination once more.

"Can you be the only one with me here?" He suggested. Once she heard the sentence, her stomach erupted with butterflies, flustered.

She turned her head and nodded towards Allen and Ashley, signaling them to leave them alone.

Allen and Ashley left them alone.

Mercedes started healing him as he immediately grunts everytime the medicine would touch his skin.

He was resting his body on the mattress as Mercedes was only sitting on top of it.

As she continues to cleaning and healing his skin, why not have a coversation?

"How did you exactly have that demon power of yours?" She asked.

He sighed deeply, "It was actually a horrible childhood and it wasn't really a childhood. I'm just scared of seeing you afraid right now."

She held his arms and locked their eyes once more, "I wouldn't mind."

He chuckled silently and continued, "So it startes off long time ago. I think I was about ten years old. I was this kind a child who was always left alone by his friends, relatives and even my family. I was walking alone down the streets of County Wicklow, Ireland and suddenly a dark shadow appeared. It wasn't an animal nor it was a human. It was the one eyed, demon king, Bálor. He suddenly disappeared, but that was only the beginning. He literally appear anytime, at school, house, playground and more. One night, my family got into a car accident. My family was safe except for me. I was on the verge of dying, but Bálor suddenly possessed me. He chose me and saved my life, but that was the last time of me being mortal. That possession was the reason of temper tantrum and ny demon powers."

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