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-Faire tries break lose as Jenova drags him into the Notheren Contient, Tanya quickly chases the creature...-

Meanwhile, Cloud rides through edge... "Shoot... I haven't found anything in town, I..."

He suddenly sees a group waving him down? The exSOLDIER drives up to them, and climbs off Fenrir... 

"What's wrong" he asks, a man replies "Mr Strife, we need to tell you something... we were going to phone the bar... but we wanted to make sure nothing was wrong before we alerted everyone...".

Cloud glares as a uneasy feeling starts creeping up his back... "What's wrong",

The man continued "We saw Ms Lockheart leaving with a stranger before the: "Mako Night", we assumed it was for business... but this seemed different..." the woman with him adds "Yes... the person looked very strange... it's hard to describe... and they left with a monster!"

Cloud replied "She has been missing from the bar too... I can't contact her, could you tell me anything else?"

The man added "Yes, I believe... it was a Slepnir? We thought it was a normal horse, but when we noticed it's legs... we knew something might be wrong..."...

Cloud glares at the familiar description... "Thanks... Don't worry she'll be fine...", he says as he walks back to his bike... he then stops... "Which direction they headed?"

The man replied "North...", Cloud mounts Fenrir... "Thanks, and don't worry, I'll find her.".

He rides off North of Edge, many thoughts fog his mind as he wonders what could've happened... "Shoot... If it WAS just a client, why the hell is it with Slepnir? I just destroyed that horse with Odin... did it come back for kids too And if they're fine, then what happened on Mako night?! The main point of danger was in Midgar ruins... but it spread really far, if they just left, there's no way they'd be fine if they were caught in it..."

He notices a pool of Mako bubbled in the middle of the wilderness... 

"That light... it doesn't look normal: the horizon though the fog doesn't match what's here..."

Cloud dismounts Fenrir, and puts his hand through... he looks around it and doesn't see his limb n the other side!

"I knew it... this explains a lot... On the way here, I saw many prints, some were hoof prints, I could see despite monster tracks covering some... and this makes perfect sense too: Tifa called me that she was still in reach, but when I tried to call her that night... I couldn't even get a "Low bar" message, it was like she was no where here... if she was on a different continent, then at least it would've tried to contact here... the only explanation is they went though this... they entered another world that night..."

He gets on his bike again, "This is stupid, I have no party, neither do I know where this goes... But no telling what's happening to Tifa now!" he pops a wheelie as he rode through the portal!

Cloud rides into Yhoator Jungle, he starts making deep tracks in the soft grass... Cloud stops Fenrir and looks at the area... 

"This looks familiar... Like I've seen this in a dream... Never mind, I have to hurry! First I..."

He notices many Tonberries running past him!? He looks as the monsters, turn around and face toward the jungle...

"What the... why are these things freaking out?" Cloud thought, until a wave almost crashes on him!!! Cloud covers his nose and mouth as he's covered by the water... then stares at Leviathan swimming up through the Jungle!!!?

"What the hell!? Why are those thing on land!? It looks like it flooded it's home, so it can come and... he looks at the Tonberries walking to it... "They must've been fighting it, I have no choice: I know if I avoid it, it'll just try to corner me here... I'll end this quickly and find Tifa!"

He dismounts Fenrir again, and pulls out the Fusion Blade... then smells smoke?

"Where's that smell coming from? The place's drenched..." 

He suddenly hears Ifrit roaring!!!!

Meanwhile, Aerith arrives on the Notheren continent, she hops off a Chocobo and bows 

"Thank you, very much!" she says, the traveler smiles "it's alright, you're pretty fun to travel with! Ya know, the whole thing'll be free for jus' a...". Aerith gives him 6oo gil...

"Sorry, I really must hurry!" she cheerfully replies, the traveler leered "Okay, okay... I can take a hint missy!" He rides away, as she turns toward the mountains...

"The Lifestream now leads here... before... Gaia said "it" was in the desert... but now the trail leads here..." she closes her eyes, then says

"Right now, I have to focus on sensing "it" and Teleporting to the location, ...then I can see what invaded Gaia..."

-Jenova finally, stops... as Tanya flips to the creature, ready to take back the sacrifice!-


A massive sea serpent that effortlessly controls water and rules all who dwell in the oceans. The raging swell of his "Tsunami" is enough to consume even the fiercest of foes. The Eidolon King... Born of the Northern Sea itself, he is the Lord of All Waters, and unchallenged champion of the Eidolons

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