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-Aerith warps toward the Forgotten Capital, searching for the defect within Gaia...-

She appears randomly inside the Capital...

"Many bad memories are coming up... some still, are nostalgic... even though I died here..."

She tries to Warp again, and appears in Icicle Inn! Aerith looks around and finds she was standing in someone's bathroom!

"Oh no... good thing they're..." Aerith thought to herself, until she's interrupted by a piercing scream! The woman jumps to see another girl surprised at seeing a random stranger in her bathtub!

"I... I'm so sorry!" Aerith laughs nervously, then warps away!

Meanwhile, Cloud turns attention back to Leviathan...

"I can't waste time, I need to take this thing out..."

He suddenly backflips as Firega passes under him, he lands and quickly turns to see Ifrit roaring at him!!!! Cloud unsheathed his Fusion Sword 

"I expected something else was here... I don't have time for either one though: Tifa's probably in trouble...", he looks back at Leviathan calming down a little as Tonberries seem to be distracting the other beast... "I have to finish this quickly..."...

Cloud rushed to the Eidolon, Leviathan spat Waterga!!! Cloud flips over the spell, then used Thunder! The beast countered with Bizzaga, Cloud uses the mist covering his position to get close! The exSOLDIER dodges it's Sweep attack, using Climhazzard! Leviathan wails in pain, and used Rush to erect up toward the man!! Cloud aims at the beast...

"Perfect... I...", he stopped in mid-thought by Hellfire!!! He barely dodges using Ice3, the field of frozen water just barely blocks the exSOLDIER from being cooked!!!

Ifrit angrily used Firega, Cloud rolls to his left as the spell crackles by and struck Leviathan!!! It responds to this by using AquaBreath!!! Ifrit growls... then stops?

"I thought they'd attack each other... but that's weird, why the hell is it holding back? I guess it's not going to just stop whatever it's doing for a stupid fight..."

Cloud backs up, as if he was trying to leave "Just to test it...", Ifrit notices and used Conflagrant Wall! Eternally burning flames now surround them! The exSOLDIER glared "I was right... somethings up...", Leviathan used Tsunami!!!

Cloud suddenly rushed to Fenrir, "Something's up with this... Eidolon's usually only do what the summer commands, anything outside of this usually is simply attacking whoever's there... for them not to fight, and probably eating other monsters, this doesn't seem normal...".

He  fires Thunder again at the Leviathan, it quickly circled the spell using Peck!!! Cloud revs up it's back, causing it to quickly lift up, flinging him over the huge wave!!! Ifrit notices and uses Firey Advance!!! Leviathan's knocked away, then angrily follows, it suddenly springs up in a lethal attempt at biting the man!!! Cloud leers and leaps toward the beast, using Thunderga!!! The electricity fries the beast, immediately killing it, and the soaked Tonberries! 

Cloud lands in a ring of fire, "Good... this spots already burned dry... looks like that took care most of those "turds", so I only need to worry about... him!". 

He turns toward Ifrit, the beast used Pummel!!! Cloud leaped onto it's huge muscular arm, and used Blade Beam!!! Ifrit let it tear a cut in it's face as it opened it's huge maw and exhaled Inferno!!! Cloud used Angel Litany, and glided towards it's head! Ifrit quickly reached up and grabs the man, it prepares to bites off his head as the exSOLDIER leers...

"Perfect timing!", he quickly aims his hand at it's face and fired Grand Delta!!! Ifrir's head splits, magma-like blood sprays everywhere!!! Cloud drops out the body's grasp...

He casually walks to Fenrir, and mounts it again... "Now, I hafta hurry! No more distractions!", he speeds off! Meanwhile, a severely burned Toneberry tries to stand up... Toni speedwalks to her and helps her stand... 

"Toni, why art thou here!? Art thou part of our king'ssssss pressssentation to Lindzei?"

He glares, remembering what happened...

"Yessss, it wast disssurbed by sssome creature, Tasssha... Thisss isss why the beasssstsss attacked you guyssss: they hast already destroyed our temple..."

Tasha glares "Damn it... damn that thing... Let ussss dessstroy the vile idiot!"

Toni leers "Thou sssshalt not worry, our Rancor can destroy it without any trouble, but Tanya hassst already given chassse after witnessssssing what it done to our king! We sssssshalt have the sssssacrifice back sssssssoon!"

Tasha leered too "Then let ussss gather our brothersssss and ssssissstersss, and prepare our next sssseige!"

They help any maimed, still surviving Tonberries... Meanwhile... back in the Temple Of Uggalipeh, The King Tonberry glares at the Fal'cie

"Thou art to again capture the sacrifice within 2 days, I hast gave thy people 40 days, and 40 nights to find it. But thou hast proven thou can do much better, than this! So thy shall bring it back, or not only shall I not bring back your Goddesss's beauty, but I shalt destroy the you group of fools you call a race!" Lindzei threatened

The King glared "Thou ssssshalt not hurt mine people, if thou canst get the ssssacrifice yourssssself, thou hassst no right to touch mine ssssservants! Leave, for even our goddesss shssshall not want her people to sssssuffer for horribly for the sssake of a fake god, who cansssst keep what we hassss captured!"

Lindzei glared at the King "Thou SHALT find the Sacrifice in 2 days, or thou WILL suffer, what position are you in to command me, thou waste off flesh, blood, and blaspheme to all beastmen!?", Lindzei opens X-Zone again and floats backward through the portal "Thou hast seen my power, thus, Ifrit and Leviathan eating your people ist the tip the iceberg, thy shalt know true pain and sorrow "king" if I dost not receive mine sacrifice by the day after's,night!".

The Fal'cie disappears as the King Tonberry stood up, glaring at the position his race is pushed in...

Meanwhile, back in the Northeren Continent, Aerith warps into the North Crater...

"I don't remember being in here... Though, I still remember watching my friends travel deep inside... Gaia is leading down here, this must be where the Anomaly is... the thing that doesn't match... the "glitch",  I must find it to for our planet..." She follows the light further down into the cave...


Where walks the Lord of Flame, all is cinder and ash. The incarnation of fire and fury, his temper quick to erupt in a conflagration of death. His breath ignites the very air, his claws melt the strongest steel, and his twisted horns scorch the heavens. Those who would face him must be prepared to withstand the fires of hell, it will not be satiated until it drags its foes into a hellish inferno of terror, reducing it to ash ...

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