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          -Tanya and the Ronso leap at the villain! Sephiroth casually walks to Faire...-

One of the beast-men dive at him using Jump, Sephiroth leers as the Ronso misses!? The others cast Firga, Thunderga and many other Black Magic Spells at the man... Sephiroth bounces them back with Wall! Faire steps back as Sehiroth chuckles

"You're mine, I needn't even take my eyes off my goal..."

Many Ronso charge at him as he steps forward "Does stranger believe that stranger can invade this place and do whatever stranger wants!?", Kimahri adds

"Criminal will pay!!! Other strangers have only passed through here, but this blatant disrespect will not stand!"

Sephiroth laughs as he looks at him 

                                     "Neither will any of you, EVER again..."

He casts Ultima as they close in, it destroys the Ronso, as they are unable to stop themselves in mid-attack or escape in time! He laughs as he turns back toward Faire, Tanya is now holding his hand... 

"I will NOT let a insignificant thing, get in my way again!"

He casts Quake3! Tanya leaps in the air, with Faire in her hand!!! He freaks as she lands holding him over her head, then ran! Sephiroth angrily used Teleport and appears in front of them! He used Quake3 again, the earth breaks from under them knocking the two in different directions!

He leered as he turns toward Faire...

"Now I have you... it was a simple matter, but now I know how to destroy you... Simply attacking you now, would only result in my pain or you gaining power... unless... you were afraid..."

He steps closer as Faire steps backward "Yes... I only need to induce fear..."

Tanya suddenly used Braver with Organyx!!! Sephiroth quickly turns and blocks the Tonberry! She pulls out her cleaver with her other hand, and prepares to stab his face!!! Sephiroth merely leered as Jenova snatches Tanya away, and throws her into the mountain wall! She tries to fight the creature as the villain again turns toward Faire, 

"Yes... as I was saying, You are "Invincible" until I change your mind: it's not just fear though, is it? I heard you say you must stay in a "certain" state of mind... so even if I made you... excited... sad... or..."

Tanya's thrown HARD towards Faire!!! He ran to her... "Tanya..." he thought, Sephiroth walks behind him... Faire stood and outstretched his arms!

"If I stay clam, if I close my eyes... no-matter what... he can't affect me... he won't be able to get through and hurt her, either..."

Tanya looks up and sees Faire... She looks surprised... until Jenova screamed!!!! Faire jumped, Sephiroth Teleports behind Faire and kicks the Tonberry to the Calamity of the Skies! Faire stared until the villain yanks him upward...

"...angry... will result in me winning. Any emotion besides the calm you've been barely staying upon the cusps of... will destroy you... I don't even need to do this."

He pulls out a Pheonix Down "You don't know what this is, do you? It frustrates you that you don't know what it is, does it? You have no idea what I'll do to you, or why I'm simply holding you: at very least know that I have already won... Faire!"

He laughs as he taunts the Cleric, Faire tries to think of how to get free... until the Mandragora ran to Sephiroth! It uses Leaf Cutter, Sephiroth, annoyed, prepares to strike it down as Faire prepares to try his Materia... Cloud suddenly drops from the sky using Braver!!!

 Sephiroth winced in pain as he drops Faire, Aerith ran and grabbed the Mandragora, then stood far off from the battle... Faire stared at the cut open villain... 

"I'm glad he's back... but..."

Sephiroth leers as he turns and sees the exSOLDIER "I knew you were coming, Cloud..."

Cloud used Thunder3 and strikes Jenova, it drops Tanya and dives at him! Cloud backflips over the creature and used Fire3!!! It screeches in pain, then slithered by Sephiroth as Tanya looks up at Cloud... 

"What the hell art you doing here!?"

He shouts from over his shoulder "Saving you! I thought you were heading home!?"

Tanya snaps "We were, until this fag stopped us!", Cloud leers... as Aerith replies "I knew something was wrong, how we arrived was too strange to just be happenstance...". 

The Tonberry yells... 

"Thou hassst not anssssswered my quessstion!"

Cloud sighed "It's not important... we were doing something else completely..."

Aerith finishes "We were looking for a friend, but needed to get through this world, first. But we heard the fighting... and then..."

Sephiroth laughed hard "Well... that's how we find each other! Neither one of us were even searching for the other, and yet: fate has lead us here! Now, we shall fin..."

Cloud interrupts "Stop blabbering, so I can finally finish you off, you're not NEARLY as strong as before, aren't you?"

The villain leered as he steps closer "Even with Jenova cells replanted into me, my power is not nearly as it was back in my previous body... Instead, my knowledge has grown FAR beyond this world, simple swinging will only result in..."

He suddenly Teleports behind Cloud!!! The exSOLDIER blocks him as he swung, Sephiroth casts Heartless Angel, Cloud backflips away from the deadly spell and used Water3! Sephiroth flies high over the spell and rains Meteors on the man!! Cloud leaps through the shower and casts Finishing touch! Sephiroth is flung back to the ground, as Cloud lands using Braver!!!! The Villain rolls away at the last second, Cloud used BeamBlade but misses as his opponent used Teleport again! The exSOLDIER quickly turns and blocks Sephiroth's next attack, they both jump back...

"It seems as if you're  confident in your power... though remember, even without Jenova: I am the highest ranked SOLDIER in the world, and one of the only few who kept his mind in that swirling cesspool called the: lifestream... To believe you'll leave here intact, is a grave mistake."

                          Sephiroth and Cloud standoff, ready to kill each other after the skirmish...


Jenova was a Calamity that fell from the sky a long, long time ago, and tried to destroy the planet... 

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