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-Faire, Aerith and Tanya watch as Cloud and Sephiroth standoff...-

Cloud glares at the villain, Sephiroth leered back... They leap at each other!!!! 

Both SOLDIERS beat each other's blades, via swinging furiously!!! Cloud quickly casts Fire3! Sephiroth leered as it Reflects back, the exSOLDIER backflips away from the fiery-blast! 

"I expected that..." Cloud holds his hand towards the man... "That's why I planned ahead!"

He casts Aeroga, Sephiroth chuckled "So you would cast another fruitless attack?".

He lets it hit him and Reflect back, then noticed Cloud already behind him! He quickly turns and blocks his blade!!! 

"How did you do, that?" he glared into Cloud's eyes of anger...

"I don't feel like telling you..." Cloud answers, then overpowers the man! 

The villain backflips away, and casts Gravity3 Cloud leaps HIGH over the spell, and used Braver!!! Sephiroth laughs and simply casts Gravity3 again, it Reflects back!? Sephiroth is pulled into his own vortex, and Teleports over the exSOLDIER!

"I see... you learned how to hide what you're true intentions are... but it will take more than lying to stop me, even without mother's full power."

He dives down at the Cloud!!! Tanya glares at the fighters as they once again cross blades...

"I thought he learned what we dost in mine world: and added different effects unto hissss magic..."

Aerith turns "Different effects?", the Tonberry explains "One can mutate their spellssss, with energy emitting from they're crystalizer... but it seems he only ist lying on what he'll do next..."

They watch as they continue fighting, Cloud suddenly used Spinning-Edge!!!! Sephiroth tried to block against the sudden attack, and is pushed back towards Zanarkand!!! Aerith Warps the group closer to the fight, she tries to focus closely on the incredibly fast fighters as she heals any injuries Cloud sustains from the villain! Sephiroth laughed as he starts going on the defense,

"It seems you are truly nothing but a puppet, even with your overwhelming strength... you've only succeeded in falling into my trap, again!"

Cloud yells "Damn you!!!", and back-flipped away as Conflagrant Wall erupts under him!!!

"Shit, why can use ANYTHING!!!?", he leaps at Sephiroth again!!!

The villain laughs as he Casts Tidal Wave!!!? Cloud steps back, as it crashes on him!!! He looks up... and notices his body's completely dry?

"Oh good..." Aerith sighs in relief... Cloud smiles as he realized Mighty-Guard was cast on him! 

He leaps at Sephiroth and Casts Darkness!!! The SOLDIER laughs as he waits for Reflect to bounce it back, but noticed it only hovers in the air!!?

"What is this?!" he scowled, then turns around to see Darkness and Blind cast on every side he searched...

"I see, you're trying to block my vision with a cheap trick: still, I have power that far outclasses such child-play."

He used Octoslash!!!! The spells drift away from the sheer force of his blade, Cloud suddenly casts Dark Firga at point-blank!!!! The 3 explosions flung the man away, with Cloud following up with Omnislash!!! He continuously swings, each slice stronger than the last!!! Until they slam through a building!!! Sephiroth gets up... he looks around in the Zanarkand Dome... Cloud stands too, and sees Tifa standing inside!!?

"Tifa!?" he asks, she stares "Cloud... What are you..."

Sephiroth stands "Ah... it seems you've made a grave mistake..."

Cloud yells "Shut up!!!", he then looks at her "What happened? How are you..."

Tifa turns around completely... she drops a bomb... "Everyone needs help now... But..."

She equips Premium Heart "Looks like I hafta help you, first..."

The villain leered "You'll be in the way, regardless if Cloud accepts help or not, no one else can keep up... he barely has even now..."

Cloud gets into a fighting stance as he's healed by Aerith... 

"Shut up, Sephiroth!!! You don't know a damned thing to talk so much!"

He looks at his childhood friend "Yeah... help me... The sooner he's done, the sooner we can fix our world back!"

The 2 face the man, Sephiroth laughed at the idea of possibly killing everyone who defeated him before...

            Aerith, Tanya, faire and the Mandragora watch as the fighters prepare go 2 on 1!


There are, in fact, two Zanarkands: the real Zanarkand that was annihilated by Sin at the end of the Machina War against Bevelle 1000 years ago, and the Dream-Zanarkand , the exact reproduction of what Zanarkand was before its destruction, created directly from the memories of its former inhabitants. A city dead for a thousand years. A city you have to see with your own eyes!

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