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-Faire and Tanya head toward the weapon shop to prepare for their search...-

The two take a step towards the building, when Aerith suddenly grabs Faire's arm and rose it up!!! They turn in surprise to see her smiling "Got you!", she says having finally caught up! Faire stares at the woman holding him...

"Wha... she came out of nowhere... Who is she? She doesn't seem like the other 2 people I've was with...   her touch feels soft and warm... I love how she reminds of everything I loved back in my world... she's so pretty... No, I should concentrate and see what's happening... I don't if she wants to kill or not..."

Tanya reached for her Cleaver hidden in her skirt... "This human came out of nowhere... I would have originally killed her immediately, but I can not deal with all the attention it'll attract, I can not deal with a too many fighters... I sssshall ssssee her intentionssss firsssst, then I know is I sssshalt kill her away from thissss lodge..."

Aerith then takes a serious look "Um... Can we talk somewhere, private?", Faire agrees as she leads him into a alley... 

"Alright... I'm from a very important "association"... You need to tell me everything I ask: Are you truly from another world?"

Faire  replies "Yes... I'm from a world where I was a Hero... then villain... everything changed drastically when I was pulled here..."

                                                   Tanya sighs as he explains to the Flower girl...

"He ssssspilled everything immediately.... I shouldest not be sssssurprisssed though: he jussssst told me everything lasssst night... and I kidnapped him..."

Aerith smiles as Faire finished "Ah, you're exactly as it said you were!", she then asks "What about your powers you mentioned!? Are they something you can't stop?"

Faire replies "In my world: they reflected everything... in this one... they reverse... Make everything have the opposite effect..."

Aerith glares "Ah...", she then looks upset as she explains:

"Your powers are destroying our world: Gaia is a living organism... it feels pain when it's hurt and it's body immediately react using the Lifestream, it's kind of like blood cells... But, the Lifestream is pooling upwards from the center because you're here... Monsters are already infected, they're swarming in areas that normally are  inhabited by people. Soon we'll be infected too: Our bodies have a similar make up and will cause a fatal symptom to appear in us... it'll be on a global scale, and unable to be cured or managed... Everyone will die..."

Faire looks horrified at knowing he's killing... "I... I... tried to get back home... me and my friend's been searching..."

Aerith replies "I know... I'm here to help you get back... Do you have any idea how to?"

Faire looks away "I... I only know that Warp could help, but... I'm not sure if it'll work normally... at very least there needs to be a weak point between worlds or a power that normally paralyzes me, my ability would make me warp... but I don't know how to get home through this..."

Aerith smiles "Then it's a adventure! I'll help you find a way to get home! If normal spells won't work: then we'll find something that would normally incapacitate you, and send you hurtling back!", she giggles, excited to go on another quest!

"Alright! Before we go, we should know each others names to become closer! We'll be depending on eachother until you're back home! I'm Aerith Gainsborough, what's your name!?"

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