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-Cloud stomps to Sephiroth, after healing himself very little with the last of his magic...-

He glared as he stumbled to the villain, Sephiroth enjoys watching the suffering hero all the while... 

"Dammit... this happened so fast... How!? Wait... I know, from Aerith told me... Faire's body made it possible for them to reform... All the time I didn't know he had to be gathering information..."

He trips, then stood up again "Dammit... Meanwhile I was just goofing around like a idiot! I KNEW something was up, but I still didn't take anything seriously.... hell, even my search for Tifa... I never once thought to get prepared: I just rushed off and start killing everything I saw!!! I found her, and still didn't even trust what she was saying!!!"

He trips again, then gets up... his scowl became darker as he continues marching to Sephiroth 

"I didn't think anything of our trip to Edge either! The VERY moment those monsters came up, I should've known something was up!!! He was the one who redirected the portal!!! He probably heard everything!!! Aerith told me he had Faire at once, why the hell did we think he wasn't watching!!!? And why the hell didn't I make Aerith get to safety!!!? Instead I went along with everything like a freaking dumbass!!!"

He looks at her limp body... "Dammit... Why... WHY? ...It... it doesn't matter, none of it does!!! I had a chance to save her this time, to make everything better, and I freaking BLEW IT!!!! DAMMIT!!!"

He falls to his knees... tears stream down his face as the last of his hope ebbed away, at seeing her body... He suddenly hears a yell!!!

                                               "CLOUD, STAND THE HELL UP!!!"

He turns around slowly... "Tifa!? I thought you were..", she interrupts as she tries to resist Death! The black mist can be seen running through her veins as she coughs blood!!!

"Cloud everyone's depending on you.... YOU CAN'T STAND THERE CRYING LIKE A BITCH!!! Our... friends need you, those.... new guys.... there need you!! Aerith needs you, I need you: to get up, be a man, and destroy Sephiroth!!!"

Cloud turns around, and starts marching again, despite his melted body and searing pain of walking on bone, he gets ready to fight again!!! 

"I have no magic left after casting all those spells, but  I'll still do it, for everyone!!!" He glanced back at Tifa's dead body... "No matter what, I'll do it!!!"

Cloud turns back around and tries to run toward the villain, meanwhile Sephiroth grows bored, then refocused on his dying victim... Faire stares at the remains of his Mandragora as the Atmalith glows in his hands 

"Shit, I was kidnapped at a crucial time in my world... then instead of getting back... I only stared perversely at a captor, tried making friends... I let them down... I "adopted" a monster... and watched it die... I haven't helped anyone... I was called cleric because of my suit's ability... and "Her" , and despite my shyness, I care deeply for my friends... That's why the Title stuck, even outside there... But now... I can't help anyone... I only fucked up... at very least:  my death might not bring suffering to everyone here..."

Jenova's tentacle squeezes  Faire's dying body tighter, then brings it up to Sephiroth... The man tears out of his winged body, and stares at Faire...

"I have long awaited this, with his body: I have means of becoming truly invincible! Normally, mother's cells could have infected him and I would easily have destroyed the world by now. But the effect even pulls her into him, and creates a pocket world out of cells... So, I must use my physical hand, for I have seen him being touched by others, with no visible or mental effect. I must manually insert myself inside him, then: I will have won!"

He reaches at Faire's face

"Yes, as soon as I infect his body, I'll "Push him out" and become it's support! It'll be nothing more than another puppet... like you, Cloud! Hahaha!"

                        He touched Faire's head, and enters the spiritual realm!!!

He reaches at a lig...."Yes...the power....""Andwhatmakesyoubelieveyoucantouchhissoul!?",Sephiroth yells "What!!?",herelaxed"It'sthesameastheLifestream,NomatterIshallbringmysoulaboveallelse!""Andwhyshouldyou?Youcan'ttouchwhatisnothere!!!"Sephirothglared"Whatthe,noIshallfocusssssssMyyyyworrrrds??????????"Whydoyouthinkyoucanbeinhere?Faireyou'rehuryinghim,youdon'tdesservetohurtanyone!Whyareyoudoingthis?That'swhyOIalreadywonStopitstopitstopitstopitI'mmightyHah...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahNoooooooNooooooooooooooooWhyareyouinsidehere?!Whatthefuckiswrongwithyou!?Sephirothscreamed"Dammit!!!!Whatthehellisthis?!",Fairereplies"Iwouldn'twishthisonmyworstenenmy:concentrateonyourselftogetout...".Sephirothglared"I'mnotweakmindedlikeyouare,I'mgettingtheeekooisksvdat"WhyareyouhereThere's averyspeeeeeeeeeperssssseeeeeeeeeeeonlycanheree!!!"Fairesisghs"AtleastIwantedmydeathtobepeacefulbutyouneverleave!!!!",we'resavinguyou,youcan'tlivewithoutus!!!!Sephiroythyells"NOMOREAAAAAAEEEEEI''MMMMMSEPHIROTH...."hEMARCHESTOTHELIGHTThenfalls.......far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11010101010101000000101001001001010010100101010101000000001011110101011101010111111010101010IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIsEPHIROTHSCREAMS"hELLLLLLAOOISS" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDHWTWTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS77777739927837838353752896589383637903627257336373672 83537368672573611111101010000100100100010010100001011110010100101I'mhereIalwayswas,he'smine!!!!"No,Iwasalwaysherewatching,evenifIdidn'twantto,Ihavetoo! 0001001000001001000001000100000000100000000000000100000100010001111BWRWHVVEHDEFVDKJGBCFJDGVKJHBWKEMBWM,POQQ,AKLANSGGDZFFDHNSJOIHBDGGWVTDFTHVWDHHGHAWVGHDHDJNDBNBDHEG sEPHIROTHDIES.......HE STRATSFDDDDDDDYINNG.....HISMINDDDDDDDDD,ELTSSSSSSSSSSSSSS........BD2YT110100BGYHYVD3HYFV3HVEGJ3E3ED"Shiiii-iiiiiiit you'retouchinmyvictim!!!Thisismine!!!"Whatthe...whaaa......"he's allminnne....Faireglares"It'sonlypartofmyofmind....don'tbeafraid...italreadytriedtotakeme...butfailed..."SephirothstartsgaggingasitrepliedNoooo,,I'mjustwthemaster!I'mmightyandI'llpoveritbytakigSephrothttooooo!".Fairerollshiseyes,asSEphirothisengulfedbyaungodlylight....Fairecocentratesasittriedtogethimtoo,butfailstocapturehim...Sephirothfallsfurtherdownhereachesupashisgoalfadesaway.....251462535385428757863ufengfgehfgwydfehgfgw7yyt4jngwdyfgh2et2uy4uyerufy88yujg6ygygfyfdwhfgjrfgfdyhjfqhgfwqiefhgnsvwjfejfdhfwjfwfhjfhwfbwjfuydwkofgskyjku,gkufdmbjmsdbsjfbvmhgf,sgfsjfsm,bfjfbssjqfcfwqfwqsvfdfd

At the exact moment Sephiroth reached for Faire's face.... Cloud prepares to leap to him, until he hears a familiar voice!!!?


The exSOLDIER stares in surprise at the split second before Safer-Sephiroth contacts Faire....


The Lifestream. That's what we call the river of life that circles our planet, giving life to the world and everything in it. It contains the essence of the Planet and the memories, emotions, and knowledge of all who have lived on it. Portions of the Lifestream are believed to be used to create new life on the Planet, and the energy of a person returns to the Planet when they die, bringing with it the emotions, memories, and knowledge they obtained during life. Those who led sinful lives must exist with the knowledge of the crimes they committed, those who led good lives are allowed to be absorbed into the collective of the Lifestream. Despite Sephiroth being separated from the other souls, he could still hear them, though this became unbearable upon hearing inside of Faire...

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