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                                                                  -Faire and Tanya look around...-

They look around at the town, and see the Icicle Inn... Tanya stood up and walks towards the outskirts of the area... She sighs as she watched the sunset... 

"We sssshall ressssst tonight... In thissssss... "inn"..."

She turns toward Faire and walks to him... "Humansss can not ssssurvive  Extreme temperaturesssss like usss, your sssssoft race isssss ssssso weak... yet murderousss...'

Faire stares at the woman as she looks through the inn window... "You sssshall go in, and book a room...  I have not the energy to do a masssss killing now.... We have to sssssstay low until I cansts find another weak point to get home through..."

She gives him 1000gil, "Take thisss and get a room, I sssshall be there to check on you, ssssso do not try to essssscape!".

Faire sighed after she pours the money into his hand, then unconsciously grabs her hand as he walks to the inn... 

"What the hell art you doing!?

She snatched away as Faire jumped "Sorry, I remembered my world: ...there I used to hold my sibling's hand whenever we were in a strange place, when we were little... I... I..." Faire looks away "I kinda thought "grab the little one" just then... I..."

Tanya glares "Your horrid life assssside, thou hassst to go yoursssself! Or would you rather I pull up any energy I hast left, kill the concierge and anyone elssse in that damned building!?"

Faire walks to the inn... "Back in my world... I was still shy... At least circumstances and my friends took care of situations I was too uneasy about to speak in... Now, I hafta do this... Shit... Please let him understand what I'm saying..."

He walks to the concierge "I'd... like a room...", the man glared "Sure... but...". 

He holds his face as he says "Um... sir, it's probably none of my business, but... you smell BAD! Worse than other adventurers that come here... could you bathe before you go to your room?"

Faire sighs "OK...", he then walks back outside... Tanya looks up at the man...

"We have a room, correct?!"

She asks, Faire sighs as he looks away...

"I have to bathe before he lets, me in the room..."

Tanya sighs "Humansssss are so prissssssy, thus a inssssignificant thing, such assss a sssmell, will deter you from your jobsssss... Wait here!"

She walks away... Faire leaned against the Inn wall, "This happened all the time back in my world... This must've happened thanks to me losing my cool around that monster... Originally: I think my ability reversed natural effects on human bodies... but since I lost my cool... I have to assume I'm dying, I haven't ate in days... or bathed... I didn't need to... And, I'm can't help but be uneasy about what it's doing... I can't help but feel something bad's happening.."

Meanwhile, a woman climbs out of her bathtub. She dries off, ...unbeknownst to her, Tanya sneaks up behind the unsuspecting woman, and stabs her to death!!! Blood sprays everywhere, as he kills her, then searched the house... She then walks back to the body...

"No one elssssssse isssst in here, perfect! I'll sssstill need to hide the body, humanss get too sssssqueamisssh over such thingssss... That boy will never bathe here, if he sssseesss thissss blood..."

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