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• Sohee •

Drained was my being, head currently had a deep stammering headache with eyes trying the hardest to find out where was my body laying on.

Throughout my asleep period, kaleidoscope of memories transformed into an endless dream, or should I had addressed as masked nightmare. My brain remembered all the details too vividly, deepest parts of my heart truly loathed how truth turned out to be.

Not surprising, but wholesome bitter.

Clenching the unfamiliar bed sheets with my numb fingers, darkness was replaced by blurry vision. I couldn't move but certainly was gaining consciousness,

Where am I?

I was undoubtedly sure this was not my room, or a place I was familiar with. The strong scent of mahogany woods along with hint of clean herbs mix intoxicated my nose and weaken my senses to get up from this fluffy clouds called bed.

"Wake up." I commanded myself and grunted low, staying alarmed that this place was foreign. When my vision was better, I noticed the room was dimmed, only glimpse from the outside provided necessary lighting.

Managing to sit myself up, footsteps were faintly heard as I was massaging my head and partially cursing at how badly it hurt. The door knob was twisted carefully, I couldn't see who it was because the person suddenly turned on the artificial lights, blinding me temporarily.

"God, the lights." I mumbled inaudible words while shielding my eyes with palm of my hand.

"I see you're awake," The friendly voice erupted in my ears, "And sorry about the lights, I thought it would help you to see better."

"It's fine, my eyes are getting used to the brightness." Slowly I removed my hand and knew I would be seeing Kihyun. "W-where am I?"

"You're in my apartment." He shortly but precisely answered as I nodded. I didn't knew he was this well off and pleasantly clean at keeping his things organized. Actually, now that I got to see it for myself, it was too tidy, as if he was barely in this room.

Before asking why was I here, the headache decided to strike a painful punch, "Ugh my head."

I saw from my rear view that Kihyun was approaching me, he put something on the night side table and was standing across me,
"Are you okay? Does it still hurt?"

I nodded but he sighed, "I told you, remembering too much at once is not healthy for your brain. Good thing I brought your medicine." He cheekily admitted and I realized that was what he put on the table. Skillfully, he unwrapped one of the tablet and handed it over to me with a glass of water. "Here, drink this."

Obeying his command, I did what was told but my mind immediately caught on his weird statement, "H-how did you know-"

I wanted to ask him about what had happened, but I didn't get to ask because he already knew exactly what my curiosity was.

"Truthfully, when you asked me to go home after we arrived at your old apartment, I couldn't do it. I felt this urge to stay and wait for you which I did." He paused to look for my understanding and a nod of my head was a sign I was listening, "And as to why I brought you here was because I panicked when you collapsed and didn't respond to my calling. I couldn't bring you to your house-"

"Because my parents would freak." I finished his sentence as he smiled, "Thank you, it must be hard to carry me all the way here." My cheeks were blushing but he brushed it off by laughing.

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