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• Changkyun •

"Sohee!" His scream bounced against the squared space of his bedroom, eyes shot open and his body jerked up, waking him up from his slumber while cold sweats ran down from either side of his forehead. Bringing his knees close to his chest, wrapping it tightly with his arms as he had witnessed the most awful nightmare, he cried after burying his face.

"Sohee-ya." He whispered in agony.

It was horrifying for the mortal male, he had been dreaming of how his theory of Kihyun being a demon was true and the truth in which Lee Sohee was supposed to pass because of his unfaithfulness, taking the term "He'll be the death of me" as literal. Crying his eyes out, Wonho felt like the nightmare was real, like a vision in which his spirit was wandering right when the incident between Sohee and Kihyun occured.

Oh wait, he was actually there.

Laying lazily in the coverage of his bed's shadow, I smiled wickedly and watched as Wonho was shaking vigorously, mumbling this,
"It felt too real, too real."

"Of course, dummy. You were there." I mocked him freely, knowing perfectly well he wouldn't be able to hear me. "In spirit."

His faded blonde hair immediately looked up, head turning frantically in all direction as he had heard my voice. "W-Who's there?!"

"Interesting." Standing up, I let myself approach the weakened human, examining him as a whole and his terrified face illuminated an idea inside of me. Bending down in front of him, I leveled my face with him, pointing my index finger towards the center of his forehead before pressing it, "Open."

His pupils dilated in red for a moment, an impact hit his body as he stumbled backwards and breathing got heavy when a fading mark of mine was temporarily seen in his pale forehead. I took a step back and folded my arms, amused at how easy it was to manipulate human. Wonho sat back up with occasional grunts, holding his head only to see a foreign, dark figure.

"Hello, Wonho." He gasped, squinting his eyes to see better as he realized who am I.

"Dr. Changkyun?"

"Ah, let me properly introduce myself." Letting the grey smokes engulfed my mortal body, painting my once flawless skin with vines and thorns, binding my existence as pupils turning into rich color of ruby. He watched in horror yet without blinking, my complete transformation to who I really am. "My name's Changkyun, indeed, but I am no doctor nor human-"

"You're a demon." I nodded, partly glad that I didn't have to watch the fool be scared for his life nor screamed out loud.

"Pure breed and standing in front of you." Arrogant and smug, I presented myself to the mundane, "Aren't you honored?"

"So, you're really a demon? You don't have horns."

I chuckled, amused by his reaction as I laid down beside his tensed self. "It was fortunate that you have a nerd friend who can teach you a thing ot two about my kind, spare me with all that introductory crap, although he was simply scratching the surface."

"You mean Hyungwon?" He wiped his tears, somehow believing it would make me oblivious to how much of a crybaby he was.

"Yes, he was right about demon's ability to control human in any sort of ways but we don't have horns, we don't drink blood to survive because that's what your fairytale vampires do and lastly, we don't need sacrifices from mankind."

"Why are you telling me all this?" He asked, genuinely confused, "And wait, how are you in my room? I must be dreaming." Wonho tried to pinch himself, resulting in pain which made him hiss.

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