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• Wonho •

"Close my eyes? For what?" Gritting my teeth loudly while fixing my gaze onto the angered demon, I could hear his annoyed groan echoing through the empty park. Surrounded with darkness, I still remembered very clearly the bizarre requirements Changkyun had for me to be able to rescue Sohee.

I will do anything, even if it takes my life.

Holding onto the words, Changkyun walked me through what we were about to do, pressing on his rage at my inability to grasp the situation quickly. But to be honest, I was freezing to death as I sat in the middle of the grass field in the middle of the night, possibly dawn already.

"For you to focus!" He yelled, frustrated, "Like I told you, your spirit is the only thing that will be able to get through the portal. So, you need to concentrate your energy into separating your spirit from the body, learn to control your conscious as a whole."

"If that's the case, I could just sleep in my bed- Dream is a result from spirit wandering while the body stays, right?"

Changkyun balled his fists, punching the air as he stomped his feet, such a funny sight to see the soulless male so upset. He looked normal taking the human form, but his ruby red eyes was a reminder to how powerful he was.

"When you're asleep, you can't control your spirit's actions- You can only witness." He explained again, "You're facing against my brother, one of the most powerful creatures who possesses both angelic and demonic powers, your spirit can't just float around- You'll perish before you can even get close to Sohee."

I gulped hard at the revelation, "I have this." I tried flaunting my new, awesome sword but it made Changkyun even more irritated.

"You do have the Angel Slayer, but you need to be fully in control to use it because the sword bounds its owner's spirit, not your body. Do you understand, Wonho?"

"I do, but-"

"But what?" He could choke me at the way his fingers were curling aggressively, "Have you not try meditating for self control? Why is it so hard for you to just shut up and follow?"

"It's so hard for me to focus." I sighed, "The reason I managed to see what happened to Sohee at the rooftop was because you pushed my spirit out, can't you do it again for when I go into the portal?"

"NO!" He screamed, out of patience this time as he forced me to sit straight and grabbed my collar, "Do you want to save Sohee or not?!"

"I- I do, I really do-"

"Then try to close your eyes and focus on Sohee."

"Okay." I took a deep breath, crossing my legs and placing the Angel Slayer on my lap before resting my hands on top of the sword. "Wait, why do we have to do it in the park? It's freezing here-"


"Okay, sorry, jeez."

I tried my hardest to stay in focus, reaching out to my inner conscious until I heard series of muffled calling directed towards me. My pupils were shaking relentlessly and fingers trembling at the distraction.

"Pft, Wonho?"

"What?!" Eyes bursted open, I snapped my head towards Changkyun, who had a playful smirk on his face.

Sweet Amnesia | Wonho ✔️Where stories live. Discover now