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• Third Person POV •

In a room decorated with velvet and tassels, dominant of red, black and silver, laid a woman lifeless on the bed. Her pretty eyes were shut, skin as pale as life was draining away from her. Fresh wounds tore her skin, but untainted her beauty. Short breath escaped her quivering lips, she was dying.

Shadow of darkness began to surround her being, waiting patiently to drag the remaining of her weakened soul until the door was opened and closed on its own. The grey smoke slowly depicted a form of the half demon-half angel breed, sitting down beside the unconscious girl. He traced the side of her cheek in agony, regretting what had become but had no will to return back to where they used to be.

Kihyun leaned close to her face, caressing her carefully as he feared she might break any moment. Parting his lips and leveling it across of hers, he breathed out,


• Sohee •

Jolted awake, my eyes shot up at the powerful impact overflowing my body. Panting hard as I came to my senses, my back laid flat against the surface while sight began to draw outline of the ceiling. As I recalled, whole being was stiff, pain all over but to my surprise, I could move my fingers freely, tracing the apparent velvet bed cover tugged over half of my body. Gently, I pulled my arm up and astonishing, all my wounds and scars were gone, they vanished completely.

I could feel my energy increasing as I sat up, hugging and touching myself because the vision for my dying self was still vivid in my mind, but to see me unharmed, it was unbelievable. "I'm supposed to be dead."

My eyes searched for a mirror and without thinking much, I ran over to see me in complete form, healthy as I could be. "Wait, I can walk, it didn't feel like my feet is stepping on needles! What!"

I jumped around in happiness, temporarily grateful of being able to feel alive until realization hit me. I gulped hard when joy seemingly disappeared from my system, looking around to see such an unfamiliar room. "Where am I?"

As I hugged myself, my feet began to walk over to the large windows on the side with long curtains framing the glass. Removing the curtain aside, my eyes widened at the sight I was seeing. On the far left was burning red, endless desert of drought and lava melting down from many directions and faint screams could be heard. Hideous, winged creatures were flying around the area, breathing fire at the ground as more howling of pain was heard. Covering my mouth, my eyes turned to see a majestic golden gate scraping the air, clear sky of blue clashing so well with the linings of the fence. There were guards stationed every meters, they had golden wings spread on their backs, wearing the finest armor with their spears as their auras were glowing halo. Then, there I was when she looked up front, standing in the middle of it all, Heaven and Hell. The Realm of Undead.

I watched as wandering spirits were surrounding the place, many were praying and kneeling, shouting mercy as they waited for Judgement. Hollow eyes turned to me, pointing the skeleton of their fingers while shouting incoherent words, followed with groaning in pain. I began retreating back with hands still covering my mouth, shaken up at the scene I just witnessed that I failed to notice my back hitting a figure.

I gasped when my head hit a hard chest, startled as a pair of pale arms wrapped around my waist. Resting his chin on the crown of my head, he sighed heavily as if he was extremely relived but exhausted at the same time, "You're finally awake."

"Kihyun." The name slipped out of my mouth, trying to break free but he already had a death grip on me. Finding it useless to fight him, I thought it would be best to let him explain, "What happened to me? Where am I?"

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