Unknown Feelings-Castiel

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Castiel stares at you from across the bunker with a confused face, you sit reading a lore book in a pair of pajamas and hair thrown into a quite messy styled bun. Your pajamas consisting of shorts and a cute matching cami. Your feet rest on one of the tables in the bunker's library as you sit in one of the comfortable chairs.

Cas stares at your bare legs before his eyes move to stare at your face. As he does a feeling starts bubbling up in the blue-eyed angel's stomach as he continues to stare at you.

What is this feeling? thinks Castiel as he tilts his head in confusion

Castiel has been feeling funny lately whenever he is around you. He gets this sort of weird feelings in his stomach not in an I need to puke way or I'm upset way. Castiel feels like something is running around in his stomach. His heart rate increases and he can't seem to stop staring at you. Castiel has always found you stunningly beautiful but lately, it seemed somehow you got even more pretty if that's somehow possible.

Am I under some kind of spell? thinks Castiel as he stares at you until a hand being placed on his shoulder snaps him out of his thoughts

"Dude...if you keep staring at her, you are going to freak her out." says Dean as he stares at his best friend

"Sorry...I just I...I have a problem." says Castiel

Dean looks down before his eyes return to his best friend's face.

"Nah, you're good dude." says Dean with a shake of his head

"Not, that kind of a problem. I mean I have these...weird feelings." explains Cas

"What kind of feelings?" asks Dean as he crosses his arms over his chest

"I get this, um, weird feelings where it seems I have something running around in my stomach when I look or talk to Y/N. Not in a pukey way though. Also, I get this bubbly feeling too. Again not in a sick kind. I also get this symptom of my heart rate increasing." answers Castiel

"And you get all of this when you look or talk to Y/N?" questions Dean as he eyes his best friend, who then nods

"Am I under some kind of spell?" asks Cas as he looks at Dean

"Yeah, just not in a witchy way." mutters Dean but before Cas can say anything in response Dean speaks up again

"I think I know, what's going on, but I'm going to test something to be sure." says Dean before he heads towards you

What's he doing? thinks Cas as he curiously watches Dean carefully

Dean quickly walks to you placing a hand on your shoulder before he leans his face down to where it's next to yours.

"Hey, Y/N, looking hot today." says Dean with a smile while Cas feels another new feeling bubble up in his chest but it was unlike the others

You give him a confused look wondering why Dean would say something like that. Dean was known for being flirty but that was normally when you said something that sets Dean up for a pickup line that he likes. He normally doesn't just say something like this out of nowhere.

"Thanks, Dean." You say giving him a small smile though confusion is clear in your eyes

Dean gets closer to you until his lips are right next to your ear. A small shiver runs down your spine due to Dean's hot breath falling onto your skin. Castiel's hands ball into fists as he watches the display in-front of him.

I don't enjoy this. Thinks Castiel as he watches this interaction

What's going on? You think about weird about Dean's behavior

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