Soulmates Part 3

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You stand next to Dean, who has his arm securely wrapped around your waist, sniffling softly as the two of you stare at Sam's burning corpse.

"Everything is going to be okay." whispers Dean trying his best to comfort you even if he didn't believe those words himself

You nod your head silently agreeing with him though you too aren't sure if everything will be okay, but you know that Dean would feel better if you agree with him. Even though you know he probably doesn't even believe them himself.
Which in return made you feel a little bit better.

The weeks following were hard on both of you.

The first two weeks were filled mostly of silence and drinking. You were both grieving in your own ways. You would look through pictures of Sam and you together alone sometimes you smile at the memories and sometimes you would cry. Dean would drink and research ways to bring him back to life.

You remember one day that was specifically hard on both of you. It had been about eleven days since Sam died and Dean was setting out to do something incredibly stupid.

Dean tugged on his shoes trying to be as quite as he can so he wouldn't wake you up. Dean placed his hand on the door knob about to open it until your voice stopped him.

"Where are you going?" You asked him as you carefully eyed him

A blanket was around wrapped around you keeping you warm.

"Oh, um, we are out of milk. I was just going to get some more." answered Dean nervously

You raised an eyebrow as his answer.

"I just bought some milk yesterday." You said then your eyes land on the metal tin in Dean's hands

"No, Dean." You said as tears immediately  filled your eyes

Dean's head dropped down to the box before his green eyes return to yours.

"Y/N, it-it will bring him back." said Dean as you walk closer to him

"But then you'll be dead." You said causing Dean to smile sadly

"But Sam will be back and that's what matters. The two of you can be together once I'm gone and you'll be happier. I-I can't...I'm not enough good enough for you but Sam is." said Dean causing a little bit of anger to bubble up in you

"Don't say that!" You snapped taking Dean a bit back

"You are what's getting me through this all. I love you Dean and I love Sam, but please don't sell your soul. I-I don't think I can go through this again. Especially if it's you that's the one dead, you have been my support through this all." You said before you gently placed your hands on Dean's face caressing the skin as Dean melted into your touch

Dean stared into your eyes as a few stray tears made it's face down his face.

"You are one of the best men in the whole world, Dean. You deserve the world and you are an amazing boyfriend that I love more than anything. You have never let me down Dean and you are more than enough. You are the man I love. So....please-please don't go." You choked out as tears made there way down your face

Dean nodded his head softly before he let go of the tin box letting it hit the ground before he quickly wrapped his arms around you. Sobs raked his body while he held you tightly as if he was scared you too would be gone if he let go.

"I love you." said Dean softly twenty minutes later as he sniffles

"I love you too." You said softly with a small sniffle following before the two of you continued to hold each other in silence

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