Polar Opposites-Sam Winchester

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Sam walked into the room that your front desk lady said you would be, a smile plastered on his face, only to be met by people looking at him with confused looks and rude whispers. You made your way towards him with a grin once you spot him.causing the fancy dressed people to whisper even more.

Sam and you to other people seem like an odd couple. You with your designer dresses and pantsuits with expensive heels or flat, and Sam with his flannels and jeans probably look like people that wouldn't mix well together.

You own a huge company which keeps you quite busy having to make sure everything is running smoothly. Being busy with work is probably one of the only things you have in common with Sam. When you aren't working, which is rare, your life is one of glamour and luxury. Your vacations consist of a private jet, a luxurious beach house in the Bahamas, and tanning on a private beach. Your dinners normally consist of eating at a top restaurant. Shopping is one of your favorite past times where you normally pick up the latest Gucci belt or Louis Vuitton bag. Your house is a nice size mansion where you park your Mercedes at and are immediately greeted by your two adorable dogs.

Sam's life is very much different than yours. His life is filled with wearing flannel and jeans except when he is faking being an FBI agent which is when he wears a cheap suit. Sam's idea of a vacation is having one day off of hunting and reading lore back at his bunker. His dinners are greatly made up of diner and gas station food. Sam's house is an underground bunker and when he isn't there, he is staying at a cheap motel in who knows where. Sam's car is Baby, who is really his brother's car, 1967 Impala and is normally greeted by a blue-eyed angel at his home. Sam's life is definitely not one of luxury.

So when Sam decides to surprise you at work, he wasn't expecting to walk into your company hosting a fancy work party.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow." You say as you pull the taller Winchester into a hug

"We finished the hunt early so I thought I would surprise you, but I guess my timing was a bit bad." says Sam, trying not to focus on the people staring at him with judgemental glazes

"Of course not." You say pulling away from your boyfriend looking at him with pure happiness in your eyes

"We are just having a party to celebrate the success of our new product." You say with a shrug

"Oh." says Sam before he looks around nervously

"Aren't I a little under-dressed?" questions Sam not wanting to not only embarrass himself but you as well

"Who cares? It's my party, and I think you look fine." You say before you press a kiss to his cheek

"Okay." says Sam softly, still feeling a little uncomfortable from all the staring eyes while you don't seem to notice or care

"But I should warn you that my parents are here and they are a sort of.....snobs so just watch out for them. Also, we probably don't shouldn't tell them about the whole I'm a hunter thing." You say making Sam laugh while trying to hide his nerves

"Yeah, you're probably right." says Sam with a playful grin

You smile quickly lean up placing your hands on Sam's chest before you press a quick kiss to Sam's lips.

"Come on, I bet you are hungry." You say taking his hand in yours, guiding him to where the food is knowing that Sam probably drove all the here immediately after dropping Dean off forgetting to get himself some dinner

Sam and you met while Sam was on a hunt with Dean. A vengeful spirit was haunting your old house which you quickly sold after Sam and Dean killed it deciding the memories were too much for you to stay there. Your business partner was killed by the spirit. The two of you were best friends before she killed off by the woman that haunted the old mansion. You ended up asking the younger Winchester out to dinner and things ended up to where they are now.

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