Sam Winchester

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Sam and you had a slight argument after he threw himself into the line of fire almost getting himself killed

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Sam and you had a slight argument after he threw himself into the line of fire almost getting himself killed. You were upset because you almost lost him and he didn't seem to understand how big deal of a deal it is. That's what you were mad at. The two of you started arguing and by the end you were livid. So when Dean finally pulled up to the motel you ran into the room Sam and you were supposed to share and locked him out. You knew it was a bit childish but right now you don't care. He hurt you deeply plus you knew Dean would let him sleep in his room so he had somewhere to stay.

Though Sam's pounding in the door and pleads for you to let him in would make you think otherwise. Finally after an hour or two of Sam's banging on the door and begging they stopped. You sighed in relief thinking he had given up and gone to Dean's room knowing you were close to breaking until you hear shuffling from outside the door. With furrowed brows, you walk towards the window in the hotel to see the one and only Sam Winchester laying on the concrete ground try to get comfortable with some pajamas he has using them as a pillow. Knowing how stubborn Sam is he will stay there all night and you aren't cruel enough to let him do so.

You open the door an angry look still on your face while the movement causes Sam to roll over and look at you.

"Fine, you can come in." You mutter making Sam smile as he jumps up

You turn away from him heading into the room farther away from the tallest Winchester. You quickly get into bed not looking at the Winchester who is currently shutting the motel door as you do so. After a few seconds, you feel the bed dip beside you and a hand moves to rest on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Y/N.." apologizes Sam softly before you turn to him a few seconds later with tears gathering in your eyes

"Sam you almost died. You were careless out there. You aren't Superman you can't just jump in front of a wendigo ready to kill you. It was three seconds away from tearing you into pieces." You say as a few tears

"Why are you making this such a big deal? I've almost died on hunts a thousand hunts and you were never this upset." says Sam confused and slightly annoyed since he is exhausted from the hunt and just wants to go to sleep

His question making you slightly angrier.

"Because I wasn't in love with you back then!" You call out with a fire in your eyes as you wipe the tears off of your cheeks

Sam and you's eyes widen as you both realize what you said. You then turn away from Sam not being able to look him in the eyes after your hugs confession worried he might not feel the same way.

"Y/N." says Sam softly but when you don't reply he moves so he is hovering above you with a goofy grin

"Y/N." repeats Sam as you move your head so you don't face him anymore

"What?" You mumble slightly embarrassed

"I love you too." says Sam which causes you turn to face him looking into his hazel eyes

"Really?" You squeak out sheepishly making Sam's smile grow

"Really, I love you too so much and I'm so sorry. I should have-" starts Sam until you cut him off by placing your hand on the back of his neck pulling down to you before capturing his lips with yours

The two of you pull back after a long spark-filled kiss breathing a bit heavy.

"How about from now on we both play it safe on hunts? I don't think either one of us can lose the other." says Sam softly

"Deal." You say with a soft smile before you press your lips back to Sam's


This is unedited so like sorry for this. Also I haven't seen last weeks episode yet or this weeks so please no spoilers also yes this is late because I almost forgot ugh.

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