Jack Kline (Requested)

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Requested by @Autogirls

~Reader requested using Willa Holland as the Face Claim~

Hope Mikaelson walks out of the bathroom wearing the dress she had bought specifically for The Wolf's Howl tonight at the School for the Gifted.

Hope is going with Jack Kline, her mate. Even though Hope is Tribid (werewolf, witch, and vampire), she still luckily got a mate. They have been together for a while now and Hope couldn't wait for tonight. The Wolf's Howl is a big deal for all werewolves that have found their mate, it's a huge tradition. It's to strength the bond of mates.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart." says Hayley smiling at her daughter tear pooling in her eyes

"Mom, don't cry." says Hope softly

"I'm sorry, it's just My Little Girl isn't a little girl anymore." says Hayley while pulling Hope into a hug

A knock at the door interrupts the sweet moment between the mother and daughter. Hayley pulls away from Hope to open the front door and once she does in barges Rebekah with a struggling Camila holding a bunch of bags.

"Auntie Rebekah is here with Camalia to make somebody look Howl ready." says Rebekah holding her hands up to be dramatic as Cami sets the bags now

Hayley and Hope share a look before laughing softly at Rebekah's dramatic antics.

"Now, come on, we have somebody's hair to do." says Rebekah grabbing Hope's shoulders dragging her to the bathroom

"Cami bring the bags." orders, Rebekah, loudly making Cami sigh

Jack sits next to Dean already dressed and ready for The Wolf's Howl tonight. Castiel, Dean, and Sam drove all the way from Kansas to help him for the Howl tonight.

"Are you guys sure my hair is okay?" asks Jack while reaching up to comb his hair a little

"Yes, Jack, it looks fine." answers Sam with a smile thinking the boy's nervousness is quite cute

It was obvious to see how nervous Jack is for tonight since he wants it to go perfectly. Jack knew how much this night means to Hope and he doesn't want to mess it up for her.

"You need to calm down." says Dean before he pulls a flask out of his jacket

"Here, drink this." instructs Dean handing Jack the silver flask which Jack takes with a curious look

Jack sniffs the flask while Sam shoots Dean his famous bitch face.

"Dean, you aren't giving Jack alcohol it's not legal." says Castiel reaching for the silver flask until Dean swats his hands away

"He is a teenager, I was drinking by his age so probably most of the kids. Plus I'm not getting him drunk, just giving him enough to take the edge off. It will make Jack not so nervous." says Dean with a roll of his green eyes

"It smells bad." comments Jack stopping the two men to stop fighting

"And it'll taste bad but it's worth it. Now drink up buddy." says Dean

"Dean, if-" starts Castiel until Jack taking a few huge swigs of the strong liquor inside causes him to close his mouth

Jack makes a disgusted face as the alcohol burns his throat slightly. Jack coughs a little as he hands Dean back the flask.

"I didn't like that." states Jack with a shake of his head while Dean takes a sip from the flask

"You will by the time this shows ends." chuckles Dean

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