Soulmates? Part2-Sam & Dean

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     You wake up the next morning to see a still sleeping Dean Winchester next to you. His arms are securely wrapped around you, your head laying on his chest as his chin rests on the top of your head. You chuckle a little as a snore escapes the Winchester's mouth. You are both still clothed as nothing proceeded after the small make out session the two of you had last night. You smile softly as you look at Dean's handsome face. You couldn't help but stare at the cute small freckles that are covering the skin on his face.

He is gorgeous. You think before you decide you should probably get up and get dressed

    You try to slip out of Dean's arm without waking him since you could tell from his under eye bags that he hasn't slept well for a while now. You finally get loose from Dean's very tight grip on you when he suddenly reaches out and places his arms around your waist pulling you back to him.

"Don't go." says Dean as he buries his head into the side of your neck

     Last night was probably the best sleep Dean has had in years. He wasn't haunted by any nightmares, in fact, his sleep was totally peaceful which hasn't happened in months now. Plus it was probably the first time this month that he has gotten more than 4 hours of sleep.

"Dean." You say with a soft chuckle finding sleepy Dean adorable

"Just five more minutes." says Dean cuddling up to you even more

You give in with a tiny sigh as Dean falls back to sleep with a light snore. You softly reach your hands up to play with Dean's messy hedgehog hair causing the Winchester to hum in content while he sleeps liking the feel of your fingers running through his hair. You smile softly at this action.

He actually is just a large teddy bear. You think with a small laugh

"Where have you been?" asks Sam with an annoyed look as Dean walks into the motel room with a huge smile on his face

"I've been calling you all morning." adds Sam giving Dean his famous bitch face

"I was sleeping." shrugs Dean a smile still on his face, that didn't seem to be wiping off anytime soon

"Where? Dean, please tell me that you didn't hook up with some random chick on the same day you met your soulmate. If Y/N founds out-" Sam starts to scold

"I was with Y/N." interrupts Dean

"You were what?" questions Sam with a mixture of jealousy, confusion, and a bit of relief

Dean lets out a sigh as he sits down on the edge of his bed not really knowing how this conversation was going to go.

"I talked to Bobby last night and he sort of made me realize how stupid I was being. So I went to Y/N hotel room last night and we talked." explains Dean

"Did-did you sleep sleep with her?" asks Sam very tense at the thought

"I stayed the night with Y/N and we cuddled but I didn't have sex with her." answers Dean feeling extremely awkward

Sam feels relieved at his brother's answer.

Thank goodness. Thinks Sam

"Okay, well...Bobby called me today. There's a case in Montana he wants us to check out. He thinks it's a spirit." says Sam changing the subject

"But what about Y/N? We can't just leave her behind." says Dean

"I know. I was thinking we could ask her to come with us." says Sam not wanting to leave you behind either

"Hey, Y/N." says the boys in unison with goofy smiles as you open your motel door starting the beginning of the many adventures the three of you would go on

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