Dean Winchester

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Dean couldn't help the fact that his stomach turned as he watched you obviously flirt with the bartender

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Dean couldn't help the fact that his stomach turned as he watched you obviously flirt with the bartender. The feelings he has kept bottled up in him for so long start to bubble up.

Dean feels a swirl of jealousy and sadness wash over him like a wave. So Dean does what Dean always does....avoids his feelings.

"Hey, I'm going to head out." says Dean as he walks up to your side

You finally tear your eyes away from the handsome bartender behind the bar to look at the handsome hunter with confusion.

"What?" You ask slightly suspicious since Dean never wants to just leave a bar

"Just not feeling it tonight. I'll see you back at the hotel tomorrow." says Dean knowing you will probably end up going home with the man making Dean feel even more sick

Before you can try to convince Dean to stay or figure out why he was leaving, Dean was already making his way out of the bar.

Dean walks towards the Impala, the keys gripped tightly in his hands.

I need to pick up some vodka on the way home. Thinks Dean before a voice calling out his name stops

"Dean! Wait! Dean!" You call loudly as you rush out after him

Dean stalls for a second as you still hurry to catch up with the taller hunter. You finally make it to Dean as he turns to face you.

"Dean, why did you leave?" You ask as you look into Dean's green eyes

"I..." stutters out Dean looking from your eyes trying to avoid yours since he knew you would be able to tell if he was lying

"I'm just tired. The hunt really exhausted me." lies Dean, his eyes still wandering off away from yours

"Dean." You say with a stern tone your voice as you move to look into Dean's eyes forcing him to look into your eyes

Dean drops his head as he keeps silent causing you to let out a sigh. You place your hands on the sides of Dean's face moving his head to look into your eyes.

"What's wrong?" You ask knowing from Dean's movements that he is upset

Dean's eyes can't help but get lost in you y/e/c eyes.

Screw it. thinks Dean before he moves his head forward to quickly capture your lips with his

You don't respond for a second due to surprise but you soon quickly melt into the kiss and once you do you feel millions of spark erupt in your stomach. Dean quickly smiles into the kiss once he feels you respond while his hands move to rest on your waist.

"W-where did that come for?" You ask with a small smile as the two of you pull apart

"I've had feelings for you for years now and seeing you with that made me sick. Then you came after me with concern in your beautiful doe eyes and I-I....don't know. I just didn't want to keep my feelings from you anymore." replies Dean a soft smile on his face

"You know, I really wish you had told me earlier?" You say with a smile

"Why's that?" asks Dean pulling you closer to him

"Because we could have been doing this for longer." You say before you press your lips back to his


^Okay theories on this whole Dean thing? We know Jensen isn't going to be playing Dean so it's not a whole mark of Cain or a mind control type spell cast from a witch

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^Okay theories on this whole Dean thing? We know Jensen isn't going to be playing Dean so it's not a whole mark of Cain or a mind control type spell cast from a witch. This is my theory even though it sucks. I think maybe Dean gives into alternate universe Michael to take over his body to save Sam or Jack or Castiel or Mary. But I still I think that's a bit obvious and Michael doesn't really need a vessel right now so it's probably something else but it's all I can come up with.

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