Babygirl-Dean Winchester

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Dean smiles as he leans up against the hood of his precious Baby holding Dean and yours's sweet baby girl, who is now three months old. Dean and you picked to name her Mary after Dean's mother.

"Shh, baby girl. You want some milk?" says Dean as he holds the soft lilac colored baby bottle above Mary

Dean smiles as he watches your small baby reach out for the bottle. Dean quickly helps her drink, her tiny hands gripping around Dean's pinky fingers.

"You're adorable, you know that?" asks Dean with a small chuckle as he stares down at Mary with a huge amount of love in his stunning green eyes

"You want to hear a story about how daddy and mommy met?" asks Dean with small, soft smile

"Okay, well, your dad and mom met a while ago back when daddy was still a teenager." says Dean taking a small grunt from Mary as a yes

Okay well, I was staying with Bobby with your Uncle Sammy. You know the guy with the stupid long hair and looks like a moose. Well back then he was about the size of a teacup chihuahua. Well, we walked into Bobby's house with our duffle bags when I called for him.

"Bobby!" yelled a fifteen-year-old Dean Winchester

"Bobby isn't home right now. He went out for a supply run." You said with a yawn as you walk down the stairs still wearing pajamas

Your mom's beautiful y/h/c colored hair was in a messy bun which made her look so hot. Teenage me couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She had this pajama set on that was....this tank top and these short shorts that made her legs look absolutely amazing. But since I was too busy staring at the love of my life, Sammy was the one who spoke up first.

"Who are you?" asked Sam with a confused

"I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. My dad is a friend of Bobby's and while my dad is on a hunt he decided to leave me with Bobby." You answered politely while Dean just continued to stare at you

"You might be the Winchesters, Bobby said you two were coming today. I can make you guys some food if you want? My specialty is pancakes." You said a grin

Let me tell you one thing baby girl, your mommy's smile is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

"I like you already." said Sammy with a grin before he zoomed off to read some comic books he left at Bobby's

You laughed at the younger boy before your eyes drifted to the older of the two Winchesters.

"So, how about you? You gonna help me with the pancakes or you just gonna stare at me?" You asked with a raised brow

Your pouty lips looking at him with a small smirk as Dean finally snapped out of his daze. Dean turned a little pink, a bit embarrassed he was caught staring at you.

"I'll help you." said Dean shyly even though Dean Winchester was normally anything but shy

You always seemed to make the elder Winchester a bit shy and nervous.

"Good." You said before you took his hand in yours guiding him to the kitchen swiftly

"Your mom was quite a bossy girl." says Dean with a shake of his head

"I guess that's how I got my love of bossy woman." adds Dean as he smiles down at Mary with a glim of happiness in his eyes as he looks back at fond memories

Before a particular memory stands out to him.

"How about daddy tells you another story this time about his first high school dance ever that he went to with mommy?" asks Dean then Mary let out a small burb making Dean chuckle

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