Putting on a Show-Sam Winchester

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Dean, Sam, and you were for once doing something normal. There were no ghosts, no vampires, no demons, and no Lucifer problems wrecking your guys' life so you all decided to do something to celebrate it. You ended up convincing the boys to go to one of the town hall dances somewhere in the middle of the flyover states you passed on your way back to the bunker. You just wanted to go so you could spend some time with the brothers (mainly the taller, moose like one) and thought this was a perfect way. After some moaning (from Dean), the three of you headed out to the dance. You somehow convinced both boys to wear their fed suits, while you wore a long dress you had brought with you since your last hunt demanded you wear a fancy outfit in order to steal something from a ritzy art museum.

   You grinned as you strutted into the town hall ballroom with the two brothers at your side. You half-expected the ballroom to be filled with mostly elderly people but to your surprise, you found it filled with a bunch of young couples. Everyone was dressed up and the snack area had all the typical finger foods that most dances contained.

"Ooh, they have those weenie wrapped bacon thingys." exclaims Dean excitedly causing you and Sam to share a look chuckling before some blonde-haired women struts up to your trio

"Hey, want to dance?" the blonde offers to Sam, with a seductive smile on her face, holding her hand out for the giant to take

A micro frown forms on your face as Sam hesitantly takes the blonde's hand in his after agreeing to dance. Your mood clearly deflating at this since you wanted to dance with Sam. Dean also has a small frown on his face at his brother's actions. Dean knew you mainly wanted to come to this junk just so you could dance with his brother and finally possibly make a move on Sammy. Dean then notices your deflated self causing some empathy to grow in him. 

"Come on, let's get some of those weenie things." says Dean throwing his arm over your shoulders

You nod in agreement but your disappointed eyes are still on Sam as Dean leads you away.

  Twenty minutes go by and Sam was still with the blonde-haired women, while you stood next to Dean sipping on some wine. Dean literally has now eaten half of the weenies. You now starting to regret dragging the two to this stupid dance. You wished you had just gone with Dean's plan of watching some cowboy movie for the millionth time.

  Dean couldn't help but notice the sad expression practically plastered on your face. You seem totally defeated and Dean (being your best friend) felt there had to be some way to cheer you up. Obviously his dumbass brother wasn't going to stop dancing with his partner on his own anytime soon, so Dean could just have to find some way to make his brother stop.

"Come on let's dance." says Dean with a smile holding his hand out to you

You whip your head around to Dean a puzzled look on your face as confusion swirls in your eyes.

"What? I thought you said you wouldn't be caught dead slow dancing." You question raising a brow at his words

"Yay...but I'm willing to make an exception for my favorite girl." says Dean giving you a playful wink making you chuckle

"Alright, alright, let's do it." You agree smiling playing your hand in Dean's hand deciding to at least try to have fun tonight

You let Dean lead you to the dance floor. A slow song hums softly in the room. You felt somewhat uncomfortable at first slow dancing with Dean. Dean was like a brother to you, nothing more, so to sort of be doing a "couple" thing with him was weird. Though after a few more dances and some banter from Dean, the weird feelings shook off. You weren't even thinking of Sam due to how much you were having with Dean. The two of you were laughing and dancing like complete fools. Though while you were having a great time, Sam's sweet time turned sour.

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