The Original Part2-Jack Kline

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Jack, Sam, and Dean ride in silence to the bunker after they grabbed their things from the motel. All of them too consumed with their thoughts to say a word. The three boys scramble into the bunker before making their way down the stairs when Jack decides to speak up.

"So what's the plan?" asks Jack curious to know how the brother's plan to save you

I hope I get to be a hero like the knight in my book. Thinks Jack excitedly

"Plan?" questions Dean giving the brown haired boy a confused look

"Yes, you know to save Y/N." says Jack as crazy thoughts run through his head of how they could save you

Maybe we might get to slay a dragon and save her from the castle like in that one book. Or if she is like sleeping beauty I can kiss her and awake her from her somber. Thinks Jack causing a small smile to dance on his face

"We aren't going to save Y/N, Jack." says Sam after Dean and him share a look talking telepathically like only they can do

"What?" asks Jack surprised by the hunter's words

"Look, Jack, Y/N's family probably just has small drama and they will figure it out in two days. Sam and I get angry at each other all the time but we both always come around in the end. She's probably fine." replies Dean but his words do nothing to calm the innocent boy

"But Y/N was scared...terrified. The two of you are never terrified of the other." Jack say, voicing his thoughts causing Dean to let out a sigh

"Look, if we don't get a call or a text from Y/N in a week then we will go check it out. I promise." says Sam not wanting Jack to be worried

Jack hesitates but slowly nods his head slightly agreeing to Sam's plan.

I hope Y/N's okay. Thinks Jack still concerned for your well being

Two days later, you sit in a chair tied up at some house in who knows where. Shortly after your siblings took you they knocked you out with a bit of vervain and you woke up in chains chained to a chair in the middle of a room.

"Well someone doesn't some look quite like a hot mess today?" questions Niklaus as he waltzes into the room with smirk on his face

Your hair is a hot mess since it needs to be washed and has blood matted into it from your brother's torturing. Your lips and skin paler, unhealthy pale, from having not feed for a while now. Since bagged blood doesn't give you as much of a boost like fresh blood does. Your clothes are torn and blood covered. Your body covered in blood from wounds that have now luckily healed.

"At least when I clean up I'm quite attractive where as you are just always a zero." You quip back with a harsh glare

Niklaus just evilly chuckles as he picks up up the vervain drenched knife.

"You always did take after Kol. Sarcastic and stupid." says Niklaus before he drags the tip of the knife down your face, you keep a painless face not wanting to give your brother the satisfaction

"You said that the torture would stop last night, brother." says Elijah entering the room with very visible frown on his face

"Well, I guess, I changed my mind." says Niklaus turning to his older brother with the knife still in his hand

"This is not right Niklaus. You promised to stop the torturing of our siblings." says Elijah unhappily

"Too bad, she deserves it." growls Niklaus causing you to roll your eyes which Nik of course notices

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