Teenage Rebellion-Jack Kline

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Idea Request by ajflame16

Okay, teenage rebellion sounds like a good idea but then you end up in some cave tied up and ready to be some wendigo's lunch which is when you realize it's not a good idea.

You let out a huff as you continue to try and get out of the rope but you know it's useless and all you can hope for is that a certain Nephilim comes to get you.

"I hate being the stupid damsel in distress." You grumble annoyed now regretting your decision of leaving the bunker

A few days ago, you stood in the bunker's library arguing with your father, Dean Winchester, while Jack sits at a table watching the two of you.

"Dad, I'm not a little girl anymore! I should be able to go on a hunt by myself. Grandpa let you hunt on your own by my age." You argued with an annoyed look

Jack looks at Dean knowing that he would argue back. Jack knowing how this game is played since he has been watching since it started 10 minutes ago. Everyone knew how stubborn Dean is and you definitely have that trait. Jack didn't know how long this agreement would go on but he wouldn't be surprised if it went on for hours or even days.

"Yeah, well I'm not grandpa and you aren't me. So you aren't going on a solo hunt you aren't ready." argued Dean which hade made you groan

"You have been saying that for two years now. I'm ready and you know it. You just don't want me growing up and doing things on my own. I'm ready for a solo hunt dad. I've killed many monsters by your and Uncle Sam's side. I've figured out the cases for you and him. I'm ready for a hunt on my own. So why can't I go?" You said as you cross your arms over your chest

Jack looks back and forth between the father and daughter as they argue with an interested expression.

"Because I am your father and I say so." replies Dean with a firm tone and a head nod

"You can't just say because I say so." You stated annoyed

"Yes I can because I say so and I also say that this discussion is over." said Dean sternly before he turned around

"Dad-" You started to protest letting your stubbornness get to you

You now feeling determined to not let your father win this agreement.

"No solo hunt, Y/N. I mean it." said Dean looking back at you pointing a finger at you before he disappeared

"This isn't over." You called after your father

You huffed letting out as you took a seat next to Jack.

"You okay?" asked Jack softly looking at you with concern as he knew how much you wanted to go on a hunt by yourself

You sighed before you rested your head on Jack's shoulder making him smile softly. Jack and you have been friends since Jack was born. You had sided with your uncle not thinking Jack was evil just because he is Lucifer's son which to this day still means a lot to the brown-haired Nephilim. Though now that the two of you have known each other for a while now Jack feels a little more for you than just friendship.

"Yeah, I...I just wished he would understand I can do this. I'm ready to hunt on my own." You answered softly

"I know, I know." comments Jack putting his arm over your shoulders in an attempt to comfort you

Though you being your stubborn self could not accept your father's no so you decided to do something that you now regret.

Jack opened the door to your room late that night holding some type of pie he had teleported to the store to get thinking it might cheer you up. Instead of finding you sulking like he thought, Jack found you packing a duffle bag.

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