Sam Winchester (Requested)

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Requested by @Ldyleo

Lindsay smiles as a sleepy but smiling Sam Winchester makes his way to her in the dark parking lot where Lindsay is leaning against her car.

"Hey." says Sam as now stands in front of brunette very happy to see her

"Hey." says Lindsay with a smile as she places her hands on Sam's chest

Lindsay gives Sam one last smile as he moves his hands to grip Lindsay's hips before Lindsay crashes her lips onto Sam's. Sam kisses back in his normal rougher fashion as one of Lindsay's hands reach up to tangle in Sam's long hair that she loves.

Sam and Lindsay are together officially. They have been together for about three and half months now.

The two of them only pull apart when they need air. Both of them breath heavy as their foreheads rest together.

"I missed you." says Lindsay while she looks into Sam's hazel eyes

Lindsay and Sam haven't seen each other for weeks now.

"I missed you too....but you know we could see each other more if we told people about us." comments Sam making Lindsay sigh

"Do you really think telling my father, the King of hell, is a good idea?" asks Lindsay with a raised brow

Lindsay and Sam have been keeping their relationship a secret due to her father and his brother. Both of them knew that they would freak out so they had decided to keep things a secret. Crowley would kill Sam for dating his daughter and Dean would want to kill Sam for dating a demon....again. Well technically she is a cambion but that's a half demon and half human so sort of the same thing. So at first, they decided it would be easier and smarter to keep their relationship to themselves. Though lately Sam has been wanting to tell everyone about their relationship and has made that clear to Lindsay a few times now.

"No, but I don't care." answers Sam honestly as he nuzzled his hand into the crook of Lindsay's neck making her chuckle softly

"Why do you suddenly want to tell them Sam?" asks Lindsay curiously as her another hand moves up to also mess with Sam's long hair

"Because I hate sneaking around since I can barely see you due to it. I have to wait for Dean to go to sleep or got out and he almost never does either of those anymore so then we can't meet up. Plus it when it does happen it almost never lines up with the times you can sneak out without risking being caught by your father. If we just told them we could see each other a lot more. I miss you and I want to see you more." says Sam before pressing a soft kiss to Lindsay's neck

"Can we tell them, please?" asks Sam looking up at Lindsay with puppy dog eyes

Lindsay sighs giving in as Sam's puppy dog eyes are her weakness.

"Fine." answers Lindsay making a huge grin spread across Sam's face

Sam then presses his lips to Lindsay's lips in a sweet, happy kiss.

Crowley walks into the local dinner looking around for his daughter until someone bumping into him interrupts his search.

"Hey! Watch it." says Crowley as he turns around ready to chew out whoever bumped into him until he sees it was Dean Winchester

"What are you doing here?" They both ask in unison while they glare darkly at each other

"I'm here to have lunch with Sam." answers Dean at the same time as Crowley says "I'm here to have lunch with Lindsay."

Both men now have a suspicious look knowing it's not very likely that it is just a coincidence that they both were asked to be at the same diner and in the same small town in the middle of nowhere. Both of them then quickly look around the semi-crowd diner until their eyes at the same time land on the booth in the corner where a nervous Lindsay sits with Sam trying to reassure her things would be okay.

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