Electric Love-Sam Winchester

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Sam Winchester and Y/N Y/L/N a couple in a type of love that can only be described as electric. Whenever the two of them are with each other their eyes hold a spark of happiness that was as intense looking as lightning is. Everyone who had seen the two of them together could tell they were soulmates. The two of them even had that Hallmark, Nicholas Sparks type start.

A young Dean and Sam watched as John sped away after dropping them off at Bobby's.

"Oh, Sammy, let's go find Bobby." said Dean placing a hand on Sam's shoulder

"I'll check the junkyard." said Sam with a smile excited to see Bobby before he takes off down the yard

Dean laughed then before he made his way up to the Singer's house with a shake of his head.

Sammy zooms racing through the junkyard calling out for Bobby until he runs into someone. Both of you let out a grunt as you two tumble to the ground. Sam lands on top of you. Sam's eyes widen as he takes in the tiny girl underneath him.

"Who are you?" questioned the then unfamiliar girl with a raised brow from curiosity

"I'm.....I'm uh, S-Sam." scrambled out Sam as he stares down at you while getting off of you

She's beautiful. Thought Sam in awe as your eyes lit up in recognition

"You are Sam Winchester, Mister Bobby said you and your brother would come today." You said as you too stood up

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N." You said as you held your hand out with a friendly smile as Sam continues to stare at you

Sam had looked down at your hand for a few seconds before he finally took it and shook it slightly.

"I'm....I'm uh, Sam." repeated Sam which made you giggle

"You already said that." You commented making Sam even more flustered

"Oh, uh, sorry-" started Sam until a familiar voice interrupts him

"Sammy! Found Bobby." calls Dean standing behind the boy

The two of you turn to see Dean and Bobby standing side by side.

"Bobby." You cheered as you ran toward the older man hugging his hand with Sam following suit which made both Dean and Bobby laugh

Later that night Dean and Sam sat next to each other on the porch of Bobby's eating PBJ sandwiches. Sam's hazel eyes locked on you. You are with Bobby playing a tag of game. You laugh as you ran from the older man wearing your brightly colored overall that Sam thought was cute.

"You got a crush on her don't ya Sammy?" asks Dean with a grin

"I'm going to marry that girl one day." replied Sam with the small tinkle of electricity in his eyes

Even back then before Sam Winchester really knew what love is, knew that he wanted to be the one to marry you. He knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you and that want never changed.

A now teenage Sam and you laid on the hood of some junker in Bobby's yard staring up at the stars, your hand in his. Both Sam and you could both feel the electricity running through the simple touch. Sam gives your hand a squeeze happy to finally be able to hold your hand and to just be with you. The two of you had only made the thing between the two of you official that night.

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