Wings-Jack Kline

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Idea Request by @KatherineButler6

You and Jack are trapped in some house in the middle of the woods. Dean and Sam nowhere to be found. You choking and heavily as the smoke from the fire starts getting thicker when the fire gets closer.

"I'm going to die." You whisper while being scared as you start at the flames

"No, you aren't Y/N, I'm going to find some way to save you." says Jack with a firm look

The warding on the wall meant Jack couldn't just zap you or him out of there. The windows behind and next to the two of you are unbreakable at least from the inside. The fire started by the door so you couldn't get to that.

I just have to figure out how. Thinks Jack as he protectively wraps his arms around you

~24 hours earlier~

You were laying down in the back seat your head in Jack's lap with his fingers playing with your hair as you tell him some overused jokes that he still found funny.

"Knock knock." You say

"Who's there?" asks Jack making you smile since you knew he hadn't heard this joke yet

"Interrupting cow." You answer stifling a laugh

"Interrupting cow w-" starts Jack

"Mooo!" You interrupt with a laugh

"You didn't-" starts Jack looking confused until he realizes that's the joke

"Oh!" says Jack with a laugh as Dean and Sam groan tired of your lame jokes

"Knock knock." You start up again once Jack's laughter dies down

"No! No more jokes ever." protests Dean with Sam nodding along in agreement

"You two are no fun." You say with a fake pout

"Yeah, yeah." says Dean waving it off not caring what you say as long as you never say another joke

"This is why Jack's my favorite." You say as you lean up to press a kiss to his cheek making him blush which you find adorable

"Yeah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he is your boyfriend." sasses Sam making you roll your eyes while Jack smiles

Yep, that's right you are officially the girlfriend of Jack Kline. You had asked out Jack who acted like an excited puppy afterward. Ever since the two of you have been together driving Sam and Dean crazy since the two of you according to Dean both act like two love-sick idiots. You really need to get each of the boys' someone to date so that they can also be "lovesick idiots" and won't be such grumpy grandpas all the time.

The four of you get out of the Impala all ready to work this case after the long drive to Nebraska and a quick change in some motel in town.

"So you two remember what to do?" asks Sam looking behind at the two of you

"Yes, we are supposed to check out the building where victims were killed while the two of you chat to police." You answer as Jack reaches out to grab your hand

"Good, and remember no hand holding while you are there." says Dean with a pointed look making you roll your eyes

"We'll meet back up with you grandpas after we are done." You say before you start to drag Jack away

"We are not that old!" Dean yells after you with an accompanying growl making you and Jack laugh

The two of you walk into the town hall where a meeting was going on when something happened that made ten of the guest somehow choke on the air and die. You had gotten in by lying saying the two of you are reporters.

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