The Original-Jack Kline

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Jack sits in the chair by a wall of the grungy motel room listening in silence as Dean and Sam fought.

"Dean, she is our only hope." says Sam with an annoyed sigh since Dean was being his normal stubborn self

"I don't care, I'm not working with a vampire!" rebuttals Dean

Jack's eyes widen at the word vampire since he had not yet met one, so he is a bit curious.

"Y/N isn't a normal vampire, Dean. You know she is good....for the most part." says Sam and when Dean doesn't reply Sam takes this as his chance

"Dean, If we don't. People could die." points out Sam

" her." groans Dean giving into his brother causing Sam to smile in victory

I'm going to meet a vampire. Thinks Jack sort of excited

What Jack didn't know was that you aren't an average vampire. You are one of the original vampires. You are stronger than most vampires and quicker too. Being one of the original vampires definitely means you are quite old even for the supernatural creature so you are most definitely one of the wisest. You happen to have more humanity than any other vampire the Winchesters have ever met and control as well. You stick to blood bags or animal blood though you prefer blood bags. Which surprised the brothers since you seemed to be quite careless and you are in everything but your diet.

You arrived the next to the bunker with a smirk on your face.

"Your best friend in the whole entire world has arrived." You say with a joking smirk as you walk into the bunker once Sam had opened the door for you as you hold your two black duffel bags in your hands

"Be a dear and hold these." You say throwing a duffle bag to each other of the Winchester's causing Dean to huff in annoyance as Jack stares at you in amazement

She is much more beautiful than I imagined a vampire to be. Thinks Jack as he continues to stare at you

"What the hell do you have in here?" groans Dean complaining at how heavy it is

You roll your eyes as you remove your sunglasses.

He is such a baby. You think before you notice the staring adorable brown-haired boy

"So let me guess this is Jack? The spawn of Satan everyone is talking about?" You question as you not at all subtly check him out

Jack blushes slightly as you send him a wink before you turn back to the Winchester brothers.

"Yes, and don't touch him." says Dean pointing at you

"You know, I don't like it when you get bossing Dean. Save it for your angel buddy." You say with a smirk

", I will take these to your room." says a flustered Dean grabbing the other duffle from Sam before quickly exiting the room

You chuckle at his reaction since you love to mess with the older Winchester before you turn to Jack as Sam heads off to do more research on their latest case.

"I'm Y/N, Y/N Mikaelson." You say holding your hand out for Jack to take

"J..Jack Kline." says Jack shaking your hand a little nervously as a funny feeling erupts in his stomach

You chuckle at him finding his nervousness adorable.

"You are most definitely cute." You say making Jack blush

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