Jack Kline (Requested)

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Requested by allhaleselena

Shakarie walks down a sidewalk the bright sun almost set behind her when a small sigh escapes her lips. Her feet paddling down the familiar sidewalk next to a forest of trees she uses every day when a bright shining light illuminated everything around her and irritating her eyes enough that she has to close them.

"What the?" mumbles out Shakarie as she gently rubs her eyes as the light fades out

A sudden something colliding into Shakarie from her side causes her to let out a yelp before she lands with an oomph on the ground with a weight on top of her.

Please don't let it be a bear or a wolf? Shakarie thinks as Shakarie's brown eyes open to see a brown haired boy on top of her.

"What the heck?" asks Shakarie an unhappy expression on her face as Jack looks shocked

She's really pretty. Thinks Jack

"S-sorry." scrambles out Jack nervously feeling really bad for running into the dark haired girl underneath him

"It's...." starts Shakarie before her anger felts away because of Jack's lost puppy dog eyes, "It's fine, can you just get off of me please?"

"S-sure." says Jack feeling slightly relieved that Shakarie didn't yell at him like Dean does sometimes

Jack quickly moves to get off of Shakarie. Once he is standing he offers his hand out to help Shakarie up. Shakarie grabs his hand a small, tight smile of gratitude on her lips.

"Thanks." says Shakarie as she lets go of Jack's hand to dust herself off

"I'm Jack." Jack introduced himself with a grin as he holds his hand out to shake like he has seen Sam and Dean go many times before

Shakarie looks surprised at his sudden introduction as she stops dusting her shirt.

"I'm...Shakarie." Shakarie replies hesitantly as she shakes the blue-eyed boy's hand

"I like that name." compliments Jack with a smile

"Thanks." says Shakarie with a small smile before the memory of the bright light runs through her head

"Did...did you see what caused that bright light?" asks Shakarie with a curious face

"Yes, I did." answer Jack as he stares at Shakarie before Jack slightly gets lost in thoughts about beautiful he thinks she is

Shakarie is really, really beautiful like a princess or a movie star. Thinks Jack

"What caused it?" follows up Shakarie looking at Jack

"Oh, right, it was an angel." answers Jack

"An angel?" questions Shakarie looking at Jack like he has grown a second head

Is this guy serious? Thinks Shakarie

"Yes, an angel. The angel was hunting me because I'm Lucifer's son." adds Jack causing Shakarie's eyes to widen

Okay, he has to be drunk or stoned. Shakarie thinks trying to find a logical reason for why Jack's saying all these crazy things

"Don't be afraid, I'm nothing like my father. I want to be good like Castiel." says Jack quickly not wanting the black haired girl in front of him to be afraid of him

"Jack how much have you had to drink?" asks Shakarie softly while slowly placing a hand on his shoulder

"Well...I had what I think is called orange juice this morning but Sam also called it OJ. Then I had a soda at lunch. It was nice and bubbly. I liked it. Then I had some.....beers I think they are called with Dean." answers Jack with a proud smile happy he easily answered Shakarie's question

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