First Halloween - Jack Kline

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It's official, it's the week of Halloween, a day full of spooky fun and you are ecstatic. Halloween is your favorite day out of the year without a doubt. You love every part of Halloween from the movies to the dressing up to haunted house, even the quite cheesy decorations. Your brothers; Dean and Sam though don't exactly share your enthusiasm due to not understanding why you liked celebrating cartoon versions of monsters that you kill all year round. They just don't get it neither does Castiel who just thinks it's a weird human thing. This year you are extra excited though because you finally have someone around to celebrate this spooky holiday with that shares the same joy you do for it.

"So what are we going to do for Halloween?" asks Jack with an excited smile and bright eyes after you just finished explaining to him what Halloween is and the activities that are available during it

You were decorating your room with some said cheesy Halloween decorations when the brown-haired boy entered the door only to see the decorations and had questioned why you were hanging them up. You had totally forgotten Jack had never celebrated Halloween and once you realized it, you decided you were going to make it the best Halloween ever. Not only for you but for your Nephilim friend who deserved to do something fun and normal for once.

Jack and you had become close friends during his days at the bunker. You were so busy hunting with your brothers that you hadn't had time to make friends with people your age....or in Jack's case people who look your age. So you were happy to have him around, and the two of you became quick friends because of this shared enthusiasm. You tried to teach Jack about some of the more funs things in the world and when there was time, you took him to experience certain things.....and now you can't wait to add Halloween to that list.

"Well, what do you want to do?" You answer quite curiously since you want to make sure that the activities are things Jack wants to do since it is his first one and with their schedule, he might not get to celebrate another for a while

"Well, I definitely want to go to-to one of Pumpkin Patch things so we can get a pumpkin. Oh, I also want to get one of those caramel apples you talked about there and carve the pumpkin, of course! We can also watch some of those movies you talked about...Um Charlie Brown and Hocus Pocus....but I don't want to watch any scary movies, is that okay?" answers Jack being serious and a bit sheepish looking at the last part that made you smile reassuringly

"Of course Jack. No scary movies, I promise." You quickly agree making Jack's smile grow before he adds the last thing he wants to do

"I also want to go trick or treating!" adds Jack speaking with more enthusiasm than you have ever heard from someone ever

Your expression falters at Jack's statement for a couple of reasons. 1) you have no clue where to go for that since the bunker isn't exactly in a neighborhood but you would search the whole internet to find a place if it wasn't for reason two. 2) the majority of people won't give treats to young adults and if they do, they tend to make a not-so-nice comment that you know will hurt Jack's feelings which you definitely don't want. So in an attempt to avoid Jack getting his feelings hurt on Halloween, you let out the next words stumble out of your mouth.

"Um, Jack...I don't know if we can go treating or tricking." You state hesitantly hoping that he will just move on and not ask why but of course....he does.

"Why?" asks Jack confused as he tilts his head in a very Castiel type manner

You bite your lip at his question wanting to pick your words carefully.

"Um....because you, um, go trick or treating in your neighborhood and we don't live in a neighborhood." You answer not totally lying to the boy in front of you

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