Erased memories-Dean Winchester

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Requested by @MAK3NA

You walk into the lobby of your workplace with your steaming cup of coffee in your hands ready for a long day at work at the New York Times. Recently there has been a lot of weird deaths going on at the building that you can't lie have started to freak you out and didn't know what is causing this. I mean a new death every week for the past month? You knew something was going on but even with your keen scooping skills you still couldn't figure it out. So you tried to put all these deaths that you can't lie have been keeping you up at night to the back of your mind so you can get your article done.

You starting going through the mental checklist of what you need to do during the day as you step into the elevator. You continue to be in your thoughts until the door opening with a ding snaps you out of your thoughts.

This isn't my floor....great that means someone is going to join me. You think with a sigh since you were hoping for once to skip boring small talk

You watch as the elevator's door slowly open to reveal two tall quite good looking men dresses in navy jumpsuits.

Oooh, hot new janitor's interesting. You think as you look at the men who just now stop whispering to each other as now they look at you

The two men's eyes instantly widen as they stare at you with shock and surprise.

"Y/N?!" exclaims Dean Winchester without thinking and his heart racing in his chest

You look at the man confused to how he knows your name until all of a sudden your head hurts like crazy. The bag you were holding clambers to the ground as you grab your head.

"Y/N? Y/N, you okay?" You hear one of them in front of you question but you can't tell who since the pain in your head is too much

You gasp as all of a sudden thousands of memories and pictures run through your head while both the men rush to your side as you start to fall to the ground. Both men grab one of your arms to stabilize you and stop you from falling to the ground.

"Y/N?" asks Dean worried and softly as you seem to be in a daze since you are focused on the memories and pictures zooming through your brain

"Y/N!" said Sam loudly hoping to snap you of your thoughts which seems to work as you shake your head

"I-I remember." You say as you look at the older Winchester

"You remember what, Y/N?" asks Dean with a puzzled expression though there was a bit of worry and nerves twinkling in his eyes

"I remember you, Dean Winchester, and Sam Winchester. The bunker, baby, the monsters, and the hunts. I remember everything." You say causing the two men to look at each other with shocked expressions

Five years ago, you were living with Dean and Sam in the large bunker in Kansas. You were very happy living with your dear boyfriend and your amazing best friend. You met the Winchesters when your best friend at the time was killed by a ghost, that also almost killed you, in the apartment that the two of you were sharing in Massachusetts. You had lived a normal life up until then but after that happened you weren't the same hard-working Boston journalist you once were. You had begged Dean and Sam to let you go with them but after a day or two of begging you just packed your bags and put them into the Impala then forced them to let you tag along. Which turned out to be a great decision at least that's what you thought. Dean at first thought you were making a mistake but over time the man realized that the death of your friend had changed you and that you couldn't be someone to just carry on with your life pretending things hadn't changed. You became a valuable person on the team not only because you were a good hunt but because you were a good friend to both of the boys. They hadn't realized they needed someone like you until you walked into their lives.

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