Dean Winchester

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Dean picks up his phone quickly dialing you

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Dean picks up his phone quickly dialing you.

You had gone off on a solo hunt despite Dean's wishes but this was one you had to do alone. Your family was killed by a vampire and you had caught wind that this certain vampire was in Maine. Dean had tried to insist on coming with you but you told him no that this was your hunt. So you went alone. Though you did promise to answer every one of Dean's calls which now you regret.

Dean has been calling you non-stop since you left. Asking you all kinds of questions. Mainly are you okay and are you sure you don't want him to come up there. At first, you found it sweet but the more it happened it slightly confused slashed annoyed you.

Dean knew you could handle yourself and you had saved his ass plus Sam's more times than he could count. So he knew you could handle one little vamp. So you just couldn't figure out why he was so worried or why he had to very annoyingly call you every second.

The truth is that Dean isn't worried about you getting hurt. He is worried you won't come back after this hunt. Most hunters once they get their revenge, they stop hunting and they try to get out. They go after that apple pie life and Dean is terrified that you are going to do that.

You mean a lot to the Winchester. You are his best friend that he has always secretly felt more for. He couldn't stand to lose you, not now not ever. Even though it was selfish to hope that you didn't get to experience the apple pie, he couldn't help it. If you left, Dean Winchester could crumble.

You helped him through everything. Through the mark of Cain, through him being a demon, through his nightmare, and even through Sam's death. You were by his side through it all.

"Hey, I was worried something happened. You missed the normal 9 am call then the noon one and even the five pm call." You say with a joking smile

"I...uh, got busy with some cleaning and catching up on shows." lies Dean while he scratches the back of his neck

The truth was he knew you were close to finishing the hunt and he was scared to call. He couldn't hear you say you weren't coming back.

"That's good Dean, you deserve some rest." You say happy that he hadn't drunk himself into a coma like you thought he might do

"So did you kill the vampire?" asks Dean while hiding the nervousness in his voice as much as he possibly could

"Yeah, he's dead. I killed him this morning, I just couldn't wait anymore." You answer proudly while keeping your voice quiet to not give away the surprise

"Oh...that's great...Y/N. So where are you now?" asks Dean, his eyes shutting slightly from fear as he tenses up slightly

"I'm behind you." You answer with a grin that had made its way into your face

"What?" asks Dean, his eyes quickly opening

Once the words finally seem to process in his head, Dean finally turns around to see you with your phone still to your ear like his.

Dean's phone clambers to the floor as he rushes towards you. Dean hugs you tightly almost clinging to you which you notice. You hug him back instantly your arms going around his midsection, your phone as now forgotten as it lays on the ground. One of Dean's hands trails up to hold the back of your head causing your head to snuggle into his chest.

"Thank you for coming back." says Dean softly almost like he is scared of the words he is saying

Dean Winchester 100 percent felt vulnerable.

"Dean, it was just one vampire." You say softly not getting the true meaning of his words

"No, I mean thank you for coming back here, to Sam and me. Most hunters quit and go for the apple pie life, not looking back. So thank you for not leaving us, for not leaving me." says Dean softly

You pull back a little to look into Dean's eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere, ever. I'm not leaving you guys, I'm not leaving you." You say, voicing the exact words Dean needed to hear

"I'm in love with you." breathes out Dean almost without thinking, moving the hand that was on the back of your head to rest on your cheek

Dean's thumb soothing and softly rubs your cheek while trying to hide his own shock from the words that escaped. 

"Well, that's good because I'm in love you too, Dean Winchester." You say without missing a beat before you lean up and capture his lips with yours


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