Chapter 1

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I walked into my seventh period class and sat down in my seat. As soon as I sat down, I had my book open and was reading. I always have my nose in a book.

I was currently reading The Outsiders and it was really good. I like stuff that takes place in the 50's and 60's. When the tardy bell rang I kept reading; I barely heard the bell go off. I was transported back in time. Whenever I wasn't lost in I book, I was lost in my thoughts.

I didn't even notice when Ms.Lavender started talking. Ms.Lavender was really loud, too. I'm pretty sure the kids in the classroom next to us heard her, but I didn't.

I didn't notice anything outside of my book until a test was dropped on my desk covering up the pages."Put that book away!" Snapped Ms.Lavender. She might of thought I was being rude when I simply put my book away without saying a word, but I'm just shy.

I looked at the papers on my desk, I forgot there was a test today. No problem. Language Arts was easy. I read the article and it was one of the dumb articles you'd find on a psat. It was all about how to put a bike helmet on. The questions were really easy, i could of passed this test last year.

As soon as I finished the test I got my book back out and continued reading. In the book, my favorite character died.

Before I knew it, tears were gathering up in my eyes. I knew couldn't cry in school so I hid my book over my face and tried my best to calm down. I couldn't let anyone see me.

Then all of the sudden I heard a loud voice from behind my chair. "I said put that book AWAY!"  Ms.Lavender bellowed. That got everyone's attention.

I couldn't let everyone see that I was crying. I slowly lowered my book and watched when everyone saw the tears in my blue eyes, which only made me more upset. I heard snickers from other kids. I took my blonde hair out of it's pony tail and tried my best to cover my face with locks of my hair.

It seemed like it had been hours when the bell finally rang. It was finally 8th period, my favorite period. I ran out of the classroom before anyone in the class could give me a hard time about what happened in class. I was a little late though.

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