January 17, 2015

948 47 1

Dear Friend,

Lauren gave me a ride to school today. She insisted that she'd be giving me rides to and from school until my car is fixed. I usually drive myself, but the other day, I was driving and my car suddenly stopped running. The mechanic said that since my car is about fifteen years old, the engine may need to be replaced along with some other parts. I guess my car breaking down is both good and bad. It's bad that I don't have a source of transportation for myself. I mean we have another car, but my grandma is usually the one using it for work and all. The good thing is, I get to have my girlfriend drive me anywhere. I feel kind of bad that Lauren has to drive me, but she insisted and said it's something she wants to do. Plus, it gives us a little bit of extra time together.

We got to school, routinely going to our designated classes. I was pretty bummed out today because I had to do push-ups for gym class. I could only do one. It was embarrassing, but I don't think anyone watched me besides my gym teacher who'd I fully let down with my inability to do more than one push up.

And then, third period came. Lauren and I started off stacking and organizing books together. Then we had to bring a set of books to this one class before finally being able to do our own thing which is read and sometimes do homework together.

"Camz, you're staring at me again," Lauren giggled, still having her eyes fixed on the book she's reading.

"Sorry, you just look so hot when you read," I replied, going back to finishing my AP Human Geography homework from the night before.

"I didn't say stop," Lauren acknowledged. I looked up at Lauren, lightly laughing at her words, but turning my head back to what I was working on. Suddenly, I felt Lauren's hand find its way to my knee and up my thigh.

"Lauren, what are you doing?" I asked, now unable to even concentrate on placing dots on the map of Europe that was my homework.

"I wanna kiss you," Lauren said, putting her book down.

"Yeah well we kind of have eyes on us right now," I replied, pointing my eyes towards the school's librarian.

"She can watch if she wants."

"I don't think you'll be saying that when she reports us to the principal and gets us detention."

"Maybe detention will give us more alone time, don't you think?" Lauren asked, her grip on my thigh becoming tighter.

"Lauren," I continued. "We can't-" Lauren suddenly lets go of my thigh as she took my pencil in her own and wrote something down on my math homework before getting up from her seat.

Come in the back with me.

I looked around to make sure no one was watching, but the only people at the library besides Lauren and I was the school's librarian who was too occupied on the computer. "The back" which Lauren was referring to is the printing room. A small room which contained two sets of printers and was also space for storage.

"Hi," Lauren greeted as I walked into the room, closing the door behind me.

"Lauren, what are we doing here?" I asked her.

"Stop talking," Lauren demanded as she approached me, forcefully kissing me on the lips and having her hands made its way down to my hips.

"Jesus Christ Lauren," I pulled away for a moment. "What's gotten into you?"

"I love you, Camz." She kissed me again, but this time more gently, "That's what's gotten into me. I love you."

This time, no further words were uttered as I was the one to initiate another kiss with Lauren. Though our kiss was cut short when the bell rang, signaling us to go to our next class. I couldn't help but think that if the bell hadn't rung then further intimacy would have gone on between Lauren and me.

My next class was AP Human Geography which I had with Dinah and Normani.

"Mila, did you finish the homework?" Dinah asked who was sat at the same table as me along with Normani who sat across from us.

"I did most of it," I answered as I pulled out my homework from my backpack, still reminiscing the reason why I wasn't able to finish it in the library. "This is all I could do," I told Dinah, showing her the paper.

"What the hell?" Dinah asked, noticing what Lauren had written which I forgot to erase. "Come in the back with me?" she read.

"What?" Normani laughed, reading the text.

My face turning bright red and not knowing what to say to the two girls. "Oh um," I started but was cut off by Normani.

"This is Lauren's handwriting," she pointed out, giggling.

"Why the hell did Lauren write for you to go in the back with her?" Dinah asked before realizing what the note was insinuating. "Oh my god Mila! You guys need help, I swear. In school really?"

"It's not what you think Dinah!" I interceded.

"What are we supposed to think, Mila?" Normani asked, still laughing.

"Nothing happened!" I declared. "Well, maybe something would've happened if the bell hadn't rung," I continued, not realizing the words that had just come out of my mouth.

"You guys are too much," Dinah commented. "I can't believe you two were going to have sex in school."

"I don't think we would have gone through with it though, even if the bell hadn't rung," I said honestly. Sex was a topic that had never been brought up between Lauren and me. Yes, we've had very intimate moments, but it never reached that point. I know that I want to do it one day, with Lauren. I also think that if it had happened in the back room of the library, it wouldn't be as special as it could be or as it's supposed to be.

"I don't think Lauren would have gone through with it either," Normani spoke agreeing.

"Why don't you think that Mani?" Dinah asked. "I mean she did write for her and Mila to go in the back which is very suggestive."

"Because Lauren is such a deep person if that makes sense," she started. "Like she's not the type to just want to lose her virginity in the back closet or something. Especially not in school."

"Wait, Lauren has never had sex before?" I asked curiously, not knowing about Lauren's past sexual experiences.

"Nope, she's had a good amount of boyfriends and girlfriends before you Mila, but she's never wanted to actually go through it with them." Normani continued, "she wants to wait for the right person I guess."

"I can't believe you and Lauren never talked about this," Dinah said, her eyes falling on me.

"It's never really come up," I told the two girls.

I've shared a lot about myself with Lauren and so had she with me. But sex wasn't one of them.  I honestly don't know how it's never come up. I guess it's because our conversations have always either been very light or very deep. And sex doesn't really fall into either category as it's kind of a thing on its own. Right now, all I know is I love Lauren. I wouldn't want to rush things with her. I want whatever happens to us to be natural and not forced. Although, if she did want to get to that level of intimacy, I don't think I would refuse her.

Yours Truly,

Yours Truly, Camila (Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now