May 2, 2015

904 36 13

Can we just take a moment to appreciate this video<33

Dear Friend,

I've never been to prom before so I don't really know what to expect. I know it's like a more grand version of homecoming and it's more so an event for upperclassmen rather than all high school students.

Ally went last year and I swear she talked about it for at least two weeks. She marked it as one of the best nights of her life and described it as like the scene from Cinderella where she goes to the ball. She also said how everyone pretty much got drunk and hooked up with each other. Even those without dates ended up going home with somebody.

The five of us rented a suite for before and after prom. Today is Saturday and we're staying here until Sunday night. This is all courtesy of Normani's parents. The suite is composed of two bedrooms. Normani and Dinah are sharing one room while Ally and Will are sharing the other. As for Lauren and me, well, we're sharing a sofa bed. Although there's no privacy in sleeping on a sofa bed that's placed right in the middle of the living area, Lauren suggested that there's always the jacuzzi in the bathroom if we ever needed some intimate alone time.

"Dinah, hurry up! I need to use the curling iron too," Normani spoke, her voice still audible even though she was in a separate room about 20 feet away from us.

Lauren and I are still cuddled up in the comfortable sofa bed whiles the other girls are already getting ready for the night.

"Should we start getting ready?" Lauren asked as she mindlessly stroked my arm with her fingers. My head rested comfortably on her chest with my arm draped just above her waist.

"No, I'm comfy right now," I answered. You'd think that after staying in the same position for five hours that I'd be sick of it, but I wasn't. I loved every single minute of just laying in bed with Lauren; of cuddling and just voicing our thoughts to one another.

"But babe," Lauren interjected, "we have to get ready soon."

"Nope," I said, hugging her tighter.

"Camz," Lauren laughed. "If we don't get up now then we're never gonna get up."

"Oh well. We'll miss prom then I guess"

"Now we both know you wouldn't want that," Lauren said as she kissed the side of my head.

"Fine," I groaned. "Can we at least lay here for just five minutes though?"

Lauren agreed as we laid there for what felt like less than five minutes.

"Okay, five minutes up," Lauren acknowledged. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

"I need a shower too," I told Lauren suggestively as she got up from the sofa bed.

"You can use the shower in Ally and Will's room. I think Ally's finished getting ready anyways," she answered, not understanding what I was insinuating.

"Or...," I started as I made my way towards Lauren, "we can save some water and shower together."

"As much as I would love that, we would never hear the end of it from Dinah and Normani if they catch us in the shower together."

"So then we'll be quiet," I compromised, wrapping my arms around her from behind. "That way they'll never suspect a thing."

"You know the bathrooms don't have locks right?" Lauren questioned. "They could walk in on us at any time."

"I don't care. They can watch if they want."

"You're out of your mind Camz," Lauren laughed. "But I am all for conserving water and saving the planet."

Yours Truly, Camila (Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now