March 3, 2015 (I)

856 45 13

Dear Friend,

Today is my 18th birthday. Exciting right? Well, I feel the same as I did the day before, but in a way, more grown up.

Dinah and Ally are coming to my house today. Although I'm still not 100%, I told myself that there is no harm in having my best friends over and this would be a step to recovery. I also invited Normani, but she won't be here until later tonight due to her having dance practice.

My therapist said I should surround myself with people who are important in my life that make me happy and that's what I'm trying to do. Though among those people, Lauren is the one who'd truly made me feel on top of this world.

Lauren has been distancing herself from me like I had asked her to do. During third period, she's been occupying herself with the library computer while I did my daily reading. For art class, Lauren switched seats with a boy who normally sat up front. And as for lunch, Lauren's been eating with some of the girls from her softball team. We haven't spoken since the breakup, but I guess I asked for this.

Dinah and Ally arrived at my house shortly after noon. Ally even went out of her way to bake me a banana cake. Out of complete excitement to dig into the banana cake, we sang happy birthday earlier than usual.

"Make a wish, Mila," Dinah instructed before watching me blow out my candles.

"What did you wish for?" Ally asked.

"She can't tell you or it won't come true!" Sofi interrupted. According to Sofi, it is under birthday rules that if you tell people what you'd wish for then that wish will basically be turned to dust as it won't be granted.

After eating about four slices of cake; well me eating four slices of cake, we opened presents. Of course, we saved a piece for Normani, but it was quite small; good thing she's on a diet.

My grandma had knitted a yellow blanket for me which was very thoughtful and time consuming for her to make. Ally and Dinah got me a conjoined present of two Ed Sheeran concert tickets for his summer tour. They said that initially, it was a present for Lauren and me, but with everything that happened, I could just take either of them or maybe even take Sofi.

I thanked everyone for their efforts and even going out of their way to make or buy me presents because they really didn't have to. I know people say that a lot when you ask them what they want for their birthday. The famous line of you don't have to get me anything. But they really didn't have to get me anything. They've always been so patient and accepting of me which I thought was enough.

Just as we were cleaning up the mess from the party poppers that were popped after singing the birthday song, Sofi pulled me aside in the kitchen.

"I have a present for you," she said quietly. "But I can't give it to you now. It works best at night time."

"Is it a glow in the dark stuffed animal?" I asked, recalling the glow in the dark teddy bear that Sofi gave me for my 16th birthday.

"Nope," she replied mischievously, raising her eyebrows. "It's better than that."

"Okay, well it will be dark soon enough," I told her, glancing up at the wall clock which read 5:42 p.m.

Dinah, Ally, and I proceeded to play Jenga and Candy Land, along with Sofi. Surprisingly, Sofi won Candy Land twice. We played Jenga in teams of two. Dinah and I won.

Finally, Normani arrived. Though before I could even greet her properly, Dinah jumped in excitedly, wrapping her arms around the other girl.

"Okay Dinah," I said to her. "I mean it's not like it's my birthday or anything."

"Sorry, I'm just excited to see Mani," she apologized. We laughed in response, knowing that I was only half joking.

"Happy birthday Mila," Normani greeted, finally getting a chance to give me a hug.

"Thank you, Mani," I told her as we made our way in the living room.

"I got you something," Normani pointed out, holding up the sparkly silver bag in her hand.

I thanked her once more before taking the items out of the bag. The items included a whole outfit. A black pencil skirt, a nude pink blouse with a white collar, and black heels with ankle straps.

"You should put it on," Ally suggested which the other girls also agreed to.

I went upstairs to my room, slipping into the tightly fitted pencil skirt, putting on the pink blouse, and strapping on the black heels.

"How do I look?" I asked the group of girls who stood before me. They looked at me, inspecting the outfit before one finally stepped up to talk.

"You look adorable Mila," Ally praised.

"Your shirt reminds me of pink cotton candy and I like cotton candy," Sofi said, earning laughter from the other girls.

"Your booty is poppin' in that skirt," Dinah acknowledged.

"Dinah!" I called out feeling a bit embarrassed.

"What? She's right," Normani agreed with a smirk on her face.

"Camila it's dark out," Sofi pointed out while looking through the window. "I can show you my present now," Sofi said as she grabbed a hold of my hand.

"Sofi can it wait? Normani just got here and-"

"No it's okay Mila," Normani cut off. "I can wait. Plus the girls will keep me company." Ally and Dinah agreed as they all gave me a look signaling that it was okay for me to leave.

"Okay close your eyes," Sofi instructed as she remained holding my hand and lead me outside. I was surprised I didn't fall. We made our way out, walking slowly as the heels of my shoes felt the soft texture of the grass. "You can open your eyes now," Sofi directed. I opened my eyes, feeling slightly dizzy and my eyes still trying to adjust the surroundings.

The headlights of a car appeared in front of my driveway as my eyes finally focused. The figure of a dark brunette haired girl stood in front of me.


"You didn't think I'd miss seeing you on your birthday, did you?" she asked with a smile plastered across her face.

Yours Truly, Camila (Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now