Okay, so I feel like this should be made. Before I start, I would like to clarify that I'm not talking about characters. I'm talking about the literal Satan like in the Bible and whatnot.
There is literally only one problem I have with people talking about Lucifer and it's his depiction. People say that he's a the devil (well I would kinda hope so, but that's besides the point) with horns, a hooked tail, a forked tongue like a snake and skinned wings. What these people don't remember is that he is a fallen ANGEL you know, the nice looking ones with feathery wings and whatnot. He is still technically an angel, not a whole different being. I betcha he's really nice looking and has really pretty wings. OkayI'mdonenowbye
Shit that pisses me off
AléatoireSelf explanatory. Be prepared for spouts of anger and sadness and everything in between. It's basically a shit posting book.