Ch.V First wave

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Todd needs some parts from the radios such as: speakers, transmitters, receivers, and etc.

J.D is helping Todd dismantling old radios. Just like old times. They used to collect old electrical devices from local folks. Dismantling them to create something new.

"Why are you smiling?" asks Todd.

J.D replies, "Just remembered your super alarm clock."

And they laugh together.

Todd was always late for school 'cause he wasn't really a morning person. So he made a super alarm clock. The ringing could be heard until out of town. Like a screaming banshee.

"Not that funny. I had to clean Mr. Peter's house for a month. And his house was like a pig pen," complaints Todd.

Old Peter was their closest neighbor. And he had a heart attack thanks to Todd's super alarm clock. Todd had to look after him for a while 'cause Peter never married. And he lived alone.

"What are you making?" asks J.D.

"Zombie radars. They always make nasty noises like groaning or something. Puts the radars in the woods. And we will be alarmed if they were coming," replies Todd.

J.D sighs. He says, "Sorry. With a mind like yours, you should have gone to college."

"I don't regret it at all."

"Why not?" asks J.D curiously.

Todd says, "If I had gone to college, I would be trapped in a big city. Probably ended up as one of those zombies by now."

"True. I never look it that way."

Todd taps on J.D shoulder and squeezes it a little.

He says, "Forgive yourself, bro. It's fate I'm here. Don't let your mistake haunted you forever."

"I still lost all of your money."

"Don't need it. No one needs money in zombie apocalypse."

J.D is silent.

Todd says, "Stop thinking about the past. Help me built my radars."


A knock on the door and Ling comes in with meals for lunch.

Todd says, "Here comes out life savior."

Ling blushes. Todd helps her to set up a table  for their lunch.

J.D stares at them with great interest. Todd is never been good interacting with a woman. Erin is probably the only one he could interact normally. But Todd is speaking quite well with Ling right now.

They are using the diner's office as a Basecamp to built the radars. Many kids are playing inside the diner so it's a bit noisy out there.

Todd asks, "How is it going out there?"

Ling replies, "Running out of kid's meals. Those kids eat like monsters. And they kept crying for any discomfort. Driving me nuts."

Todd chuckles.

"What?" asks her irritatedly.

"You are no babysitter in your previous life. It's so obvious," teases Todd.

"Guess not. Looking after kids made me stressful."

J.D is silent. He doesn't know much about Ling. No one knows much about her 'cause she lost her memories.

Finally she has left.

Todd bites a hamburger.

J.D says, "Don't get too close to her. You don't know anything about her."

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