Ch.XIX My hero

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The helicopter has run out of fuel. They have to abandon it. Now they are stuck in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere in their long journey to Canada.

There are few buildings ahead of them.

"Listen up, team. We need to split up and find a vehicle to go north. Any car would do as long it has fuel. Toshi, you go with her," says Wesker.

Jack says, "I'm going with her."

"Don't get jealous over nothing, lover boy. You know Toshi is the best warrior among us all. Your girlfriend is safe in his hands."

"I'm still going," says Jack sourly.

"Fine. Erin, you got two shining armor knights. Still guard your own back as always," says Wesker.

"I will," says her.

Wesker stares Toshi and the guy nods once.

Chan asks, "Who's with me?"

"It's me. It's suck, I know. We all prefer a pretty sexy red head in our team," says Wesker.

Jack gives him a deadly stare as the result. Wesker only grins. His lips are biting a cigar but never light it. The smoke would attract zombies. So he only bites it and then put it back in his pocket when things got rough for them.

It's his bad habit. He needs to bite it to keep his mind clear.

"For you, everything is just a game, merc," says Jack angrily.

"Cool down, lover boy. Getting frustrated won't help anyone," says Wesker.

Toshi says, "We have seen so many battlefields. More than you could ever imagine."

"We are cool, Toshi. Just do your task."

"Yes, Sir," says him with great respect to Wesker.


They split up into two teams soon afterwards. Looking for a vehicle to the north.

Jack grumbles, "We should just ditch them and head out ourselves."

Erin says, "We won't survive far without their aids."

"I will protect you. Can't you just trust me?"

More than a year ago, old Erin would yell happily 'cause J.D said something so romantic. Right now, she's more sarcastic than ever.

Erin says, "I only trust myself."

Jack looks greatly surprised. Toshi only smiles a little. This is one tough chick. No wonder his boss is head over heels for her.

Erin says, "Enough whining, Jack. I know you hate him for killing Stanley. But he did save your life. And I'm very grateful to him."

"Well, just fuck him if you wanted so badly. I don't care anymore!" yells Jack while walking away.

There's a huge parking lot ahead of them. He would find a car and then leave them for good. He won't even take her if she pleaded.

"Jack, wait! You are a jackass!"

She runs after him. Jack has pressed a switch and opened the garage door.

Fifteen zombies just emerged out of the closed garage door. More of them behind them.

Jack curses while pressing the switch to close again . The thing is jammed when it's only halfway close.

Erin tightens her grip on her golf club. Toshi has drawn his katana sword. Jack is holding Stanley's sledge hammer.

They kill the zombies while retreating from there. More zombies kept crawling out of the half closed garage. There's no end of them.

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