Ch.XIV Mutiny onboard

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Block tries to kiss her but Erin dodges it. She runs toward the door. It's locked. She hits the door while screaming for help.

Block sneers. And he says, "We could do this the easy way or hard way. You won't be fed until you satisfy me in bed. What do you say, blondie?"

"I rather starved to death!"

"Your loss, blondie.  Go eat a cockroach. That's your only meal for now."

The brute pushes her aside. He unlocks the door and goes out. Erin got kicked away when she tried to get out too. She rams the door few times. The sturdy door wouldn't budge.

Erin looks around.

This is a ward in the hospital. The maternity ward if she wasn't mistaken. And the brute wanted to get laid here. Trying to plant his seeds in her womb. Having a baby with a guy like him. Made her felt sick.

She must escape from here. Before she lost her will because of hunger and thirst.

Nothing in trash can. Only few used syringes. Maybe she could use them as weapons. If he tried to rape her, he would suffer her wrath. She wears a plastic as a glove. Need to be careful with these used needles.

The windows are barred. The door is locked.

How to escape?

Erin looks upwards. Air vent duct in the ceiling. She isn't exactly a slim woman. But all those running from zombies have made her lost some weight.

Only one way to find out.

She grabs a chair so she could reach the air vent. Pushing it as hard as she could. It creaks a little before it opens.
Climbing up. Pushing herself into the tight air duct.

Crawling in the dark. Felt a bit claustrophobic in here.

Must keep going...


"I can't!" protests Derek.

A gun is pointed to his head.

Block sneers. He asks, "Could you convince them to surrender now, wimp?"

Derek's voice a bit trembles when he nods.

Block's men push him to the fence, which divide their city into two. Tuscane's citizens let Derek pass.

Harris, the police chief asks, "Where're the others?"

Derek replies, "They captured us all. The leader sent me to deliver a message to Mayor Thomas."

"Follow me. The Mayor is in his house."

The Mayor looks very pale. Life is slipping away from him. Todd hasn't returned from the hospital yet. Ling has feared for the worst.

Derek and Harris have arrived on spot.

"Mayor Thomas?" calls Derek.

The old Mayor opens his eyes slightly. He even smiles weakly.

He asks, ""

Derek shakes his head. And he adds, "We were captured on our way here. Our foods and other belongings have been confiscated."

"Fate..."says the old man before he draws his last breath.

Ling weeps silently. The old Mayor was very nice to her although she is a stranger, a foreigner in this land.

Harris weeps too. Thomas was his best friend. Derek only stares the corpse. He hasn't have any chance to persuade him to surrender.

Harris says, "He's worried for all of you. He kept waiting for you guys to return. Thomas fought till his last breath. And we shall not yield. That demon sent you here to ask for us to surrender, did he?"

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